Reputation: 1514
I have an algorithm to convert the stock market ticker data to CandleSticks. I have a code that calls this function many many times and I'm trying to optimize the function so it run faster. So what I would like is for you to read the code and give me suggestions on how to make it faster
For the sake of this question you can think about the market ticker as two lists. A list of the price of a certain stock
stock_price = [ 5, 5.1, 5, 4.9 , ... ]
and a list of the timestamps asociated to each price.
timestamps = [ 1534339504.36133 , 1534339704.36133, 1534339804.36133, 1534340504.36133, ... ]
You will notice that the sampling rate is variable, sometimes it can be few seconds some times it can be several minutes. The input lists are sorted by increasing timestamp.
So I give a number N of candles that I want to compute. each candle of a duration of time T. If I ask for 10 candles of a duration of 5 minutes each and I don't have enough timestamps the first candles will be NAN. On the other hand if I have a large amount of timestamps from the last weeks, only the last samples will be taken into account to compute the last 10 candles and the rest will be ignorer.
There is another detail. I compute the candles in a sligthly different manner. Normally, they are referenced to the UTC, me I consider the last element from my lists as the closing price and time of my last candle
In the end, I need lists or numpy arrays with the candle's open, high, low, close prices as well as the time for N candles of a time interval of T
So to convert these two lists into candlecharts I do the following
# time_interval is the size of the candle: 1, 5, 10... minutes, hours, etc
# nb_candles is the number of candles that I want to extract ( for example the last 5 candles )
def convert_samples_to_candles( stock_price , times , time_interval , nb_candles=-1 ):
#If no data return NaNs
if( len(stock_price) == 0 or len(times) == 0 ):
last_time = times[-1]
last_val = stock_price[-1]
#if nb_candles is not specified compute all the candles
if( nb_candles==-1 ):
nb_candles = int((last_time - times[0])/time_interval) + 1
candles_open = [np.NaN]*nb_candles
candles_close = [np.NaN]*nb_candles
candles_high = [np.NaN]*nb_candles
candles_low = [np.NaN]*nb_candles
candles_time = [np.NaN]*nb_candles
last_candle = -1
#Initialize the last candles with the last value
candles_open[-1] = last_val
candles_close[-1] = last_val
candles_high[-1] = last_val
candles_low[-1] = last_val
candles_time[-1] = last_time
#Iterate and fill each candle from the last one to the first one
nb_times = len(times)
while( k < nb_times and times[-1*k] + nb_candles*time_interval > last_time ):
a_last = stock_price[-1*k]
a_timestamp = times[-1*k]
candle_index = (-1*int((last_time - a_timestamp)/time_interval) -1)
if( candle_index > -1 ):
k += 1
if( candle_index < last_candle ):
candles_time[ candle_index ] = a_timestamp
candles_close[ candle_index ] = a_last
candles_high[ candle_index ] = a_last
candles_low[ candle_index ] = a_last
candles_open[ candle_index ] = a_last
last_candle = candle_index
#print candle_index, candles_open
candles_open[ candle_index ] = a_last
if( candles_high[ candle_index ] < a_last ):
candles_high[ candle_index ] = a_last
if( candles_low[ candle_index ] > a_last ):
candles_low[ candle_index ] = a_last
k += 1
return candles_open, candles_close, candles_high, candles_low, candles_time
Thank you very much for your time!
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Views: 1770
Reputation: 1514
So after some research I tried to give a different approach to compute the candles.
I defined a Candle_Handler class and I iteratively insert samples, and update the candles.
This code is is slightly faster than the one in the question when you iteratively recompute the candles.
class Candle_Handler( ):
def __init__(self, time_interval, nb_candles=5 ):
self.nb_candles = nb_candles
self.time_interval = time_interval
self.times = []
self.values = []
self.candles_t = [ [] for _ in range(nb_candles) ]
self.candles_v = [ [] for _ in range(nb_candles) ]
def insert_sample( self, value, time ):
for i in range( self.nb_candles ):
candle_index = -1*(i+1)
if( len(self.candles_t[candle_index]) == 0 ): continue
candle_time_interval = (i+1)*self.time_interval
if( i + 1 == self.nb_candles ):
while( len(self.candles_t[candle_index])> 0 and time - self.candles_t[candle_index][0] > candle_time_interval ):
del self.candles_t[candle_index][0]
del self.candles_v[candle_index][0]
while( len(self.candles_t[candle_index])> 0 and time - self.candles_t[candle_index][0] > candle_time_interval ):
ltime = self.candles_t[candle_index].pop(0)
lvalue = self.candles_v[candle_index].pop(0)
self.candles_t[candle_index-1].append( ltime )
self.candles_v[candle_index-1].append( lvalue )
def get_all_candles(self, delta=1.0 ):
last_time = self.candles_t[-1][-1]
candles_open = [ c[0] if len(c)>0 else np.NAN for c in self.candles_v ]
candles_close = [ c[-1] if len(c)>0 else np.NAN for c in self.candles_v ]
candles_high = [ max(c) if len(c)>0 else np.NAN for c in self.candles_v ]
candles_low = [ min(c) if len(c)>0 else np.NAN for c in self.candles_v ]
#candles_time = [ c[-1] if len(c)>0 else np.NAN for c in self.candles_t ]
candles_time = [ last_time - (self.nb_candles - (c+1) )*self.time_interval for c in range(self.nb_candles) ]
for i in range( 1, self.nb_candles ):
if( np.isnan( candles_close[i-1] ) ): continue
if( np.isnan( candles_open[i] ) ):
candles_open[i] = candles_close[i-1]
candles_close[i] = candles_close[i-1]
candles_high[i] = candles_close[i-1]
candles_low[i] = candles_close[i-1]
if( not delta == 1.0 ):
candles_close[-1] = candles_close[-1]*delta
if( candles_high[-1] < candles_close[-1] ):
candles_high[-1] = candles_close[-1]
if( candles_low[-1] > candles_close[-1] ):
candles_low[-1] = candles_close[-1]
if( len(self.candles_v[-1]) == 1 ):
candles_open[-1] = candles_close[-1]
return candles_open, candles_close, candles_high, candles_low, candles_time
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