Reputation: 135
I have data like this i want to extract some information from x and y
x= "{\"device_codename\": \"nikel\", \"brand\": \"Xiaomi\"}"
y= {"percent_incoming_nighttime": 0.88, "percent_outgoing_daytime": 9.29}
The result
device_codename brand percent_incoming_nighttime percent_outgoing_daytime
nikel Xiaomi 0.88 9.29
I have tired using grep but iam getting errors any suggestion?
grep("device_codename", x, perl=TRUE, value=TRUE)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 51
Reputation: 887118
After removing the braces ({}
) and double quotes with gsub
, read the substring after the :
using read.csv
into a data.frame
and then change the column names with the substring i.e. before the :
v1 <- gsub('"|[{}]', "", c(x, y))
out <- read.csv(text=paste(gsub("\\w+:\\s+", "", v1), collapse=", "),
header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(out) <- unlist(regmatches(v1, gregexpr("\\w+(?=:)", v1, perl = TRUE)))
# device_codename brand percent_incoming_nighttime percent_outgoing_daytime
#1 nikel Xiaomi 0.88 9.29
NOTE: No external packages used
Or using RJSONIO
and tidyverse
list(x, y) %>%
map(~ fromJSON(.x) %>%
as.list %>%
as_tibble) %>%
# A tibble: 1 x 4
# device_codename brand percent_incoming_nighttime percent_outgoing_daytime
# <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 nikel Xiaomi 0.88 9.29
x <- "{\"device_codename\": \"nikel\", \"brand\": \"Xiaomi\"}"
y <- "{\"percent_incoming_nighttime\": 0.88, \"percent_outgoing_daytime\": 9.29}"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 711
completed jsonlite solution (Roman Luštrik)
xx_x= "{\"device_codename\": \"nikel\", \"brand\": \"Xiaomi\"}"
xx_y= "{\"percent_incoming_nighttime\": 0.88, \"percent_outgoing_daytime\": 9.29}"
c(jsonlite::fromJSON(xx_x), jsonlite::fromJSON(xx_y)) %>%
reshape2::melt() %>% mutate(myrow = 1) %>%
spread(L1, value)
myrow brand device_codename percent_incoming_nighttime percent_outgoing_daytime
1 1 Xiaomi nikel 0.88 9.29
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 70643
This is possibly JSON format. There are tools to handle those.
x = "{\"device_codename\": \"nikel\", \"brand\": \"Xiaomi\"}"
y = '{"percent_incoming_nighttime": 0.88, "percent_outgoing_daytime": 9.29}'
> unlist(fromJSON(x))
device_codename brand
"nikel" "Xiaomi"
> unlist(fromJSON(y))
percent_incoming_nighttime percent_outgoing_daytime
0.88 9.29
Upvotes: 3