
Reputation: 627

Mat-sort with rxjs is not working properly

I have the problem with implement mat-sort in mat-table, when source was created from observers stream.

Simply implementation it via documentation by:

ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.dataSource.sort = this.sort;

is not working properly - always will be sorted only 5 rows on my table.

I think, my problem is with the proper use it with rxjs connection.

Unfortunately, after checking another questions/documentation I can't find any idea.

I generated data source from two observer stream. Also I used for it BehaviourSubject (for initial values), combineLatest and switch map. Table was created properly and working perfectly.

Also when I added filter (according to angular material design documentation) is working properly. But mat-sort... not (only 5 first rows).

    ngOnInit() {
            this.filters = itemFilters;
            this.idSubject = new BehaviorSubject(this.filters[0]);
            Observable.combineLatest(, this.selectedFilter)
                .do(_ => this.items = null)
                .switchMap(([name, filterIndex]: [Name | null, number]) => {
                    const item = this.filters[filterIndex];
                    return this.itemService.getItems(name);
                .subscribe(this.setItems.bind(this), this.setError.bind(this));

Also I tried with - but I think it is also not my case. Any idea/advice will be very valuable.

I think, I should subscribe sorting method to observable streams. That same problem I have with pagination. Sometimes works, sometimes not.

Upvotes: 11

Views: 2200

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1918

Your question code looks like the example from mat-tables that display data from HTTP calls:

I think the implementation can be simplified by handling the pagination and sorting events separately.

Please take a look at this example I build that refreshes the data on each event:

The Event handlers

ngOnInit() {

    // default data 

    this.sort.sortChange.subscribe((sort: Sort) => {
      this.paginator.pageIndex = 0;
    }); PageEvent) => {
      console.log('paginator ', page);


The method to get the current view options

getCurrentOptions() {
    const options: ViewOptions = {
      sortDirection: this.sort.direction,
      page: this.paginator.pageIndex,
      pageSize: this.paginator.pageSize

    return options;

An example of how to merge multiple streams

  findBooks(options: ViewOptions): Observable<BooksResponse> {

    console.log('findBooks', options);

    // retrieve multiple streams
    const multipleStreams = this.mockMultipleStreams();

    // sort and slice result
    const sortedAndSliced = multipleStreams.pipe(
      tap(items => {
        items = items.sort((a, b) => {
          const sortOrder = options.sortDirection === 'asc' ? -1 : 1;
          const valueA = a[options.sortField];
          const valueB = b[options.sortField];

          var result = (valueA < valueB) ? -1 : (valueA > valueB) ? 1 : 0;
          return result * sortOrder;
      tap((items: Book[]) => {
        const start = * options.pageSize;
        const end = start + options.pageSize;
        items = items.slice(start, end);

    // wrap in the response object
    const bookResponse = sortedAndSliced.pipe(
      map((items: Book[]) => {
        const response: BooksResponse = {
          items: items,
          total: this.fakeDataLength
        return response;

    return bookResponse;


  mockMultipleStreams(): Observable<Book[]> {
    const third = this.fakeDataLength / 3;

    // merge all the streams together
    const allTheBooks: Observable<[Book[], Book[], Book[]]> = zip(
      of(this.mockBooks('Magazine', third)),
      of(this.mockBooks('Books', third)),
      of(this.mockBooks('Newspaper', third))

    // flatten the data 
    const result = allTheBooks
      .pipe(map((items) => {
        let result: Book[] = [];
        items.forEach(books => {
          books.forEach(book => { result.push(book) })
        return result;

      return result;

See the full code here:

Upvotes: 1

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