Tigran Babajanyan
Tigran Babajanyan

Reputation: 2025

Deserialize JSON to Different types with jacksonObjectMapper

Suppose I got an error from server as JSON which can be in two different structure:

{"errorMessage": "This action is unauthorized."}


{"errorMessage":{"changePassword":"Old password is incorrect."}}

How can I deserialize this kind of json?

What I tried

I tried to have abstract class "Error" and two childs:

abstract class Error() {}

data class SingleError(val errorMessage: String) : Error() 

data class MultiError(val errorMessage: Map<String, String>) : Error() 

Then I try:


to deserialize, but I haave exception:

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Cannot construct instance of `com.fifth_llc.siply.main.request.Forbidden$Error` (no Creators, like default construct, exist): abstract types either need to be mapped to concrete types, have custom deserializer, or contain additional type information
     at [Source: (String)"{"errorMessage":{"changePassword":"Old password is incorrect."}}"; line: 1, column: 1]

Also I have tried JsonDeserialize annotaiton, but it seem I can use it if I want to parse to concrete type:

@JsonDeserialize(`as` = MultiError::class)

Any help?

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Views: 2600

Answers (3)

Akaki Kapanadze
Akaki Kapanadze

Reputation: 2672

Custom deserializer approach:

sealed class Error() {
    data class SingleError(val errorMessage: String) : Error()
    data class MultiError(val errorMessage: Map<String, String>) : Error()
class ErrorDeserializer : StdDeserializer<Error>(Error::class.java) {

    companion object {
        private val MAP_TYPE_REFERENCE = object : TypeReference<Map<String, String>>() {}

    @Throws(IOException::class, JsonProcessingException::class)
    override fun deserialize(jp: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): Error {
        val mapper = jp.codec as ObjectMapper
        val node: JsonNode = mapper.readTree(jp)
        val msgNode = node.get("errorMessage")
        if (msgNode.isValueNode) {
            val errorMsg = msgNode.asText()
            return Error.SingleError(errorMsg)
        } else {
            val errorMsgs = mapper.readValue<Map<String, String>>(msgNode.toString(), 
            return Error.MultiError(errorMsgs)


val mapper = ObjectMapper()
val module = SimpleModule().addDeserializer(Error::class.java, ErrorDeserializer())

val error = mapper.readValue<Error>("json content", Error::class.java)
when (error) {
    is Error.SingleError -> {
        // error.errorMessage
    is Error.MultiError -> {
        // error.errorMessage

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 10057

The problem is that Jackson either needs a JsonCreator or an empty constructor.

Data classes don't have empty constructors. If you want an empty constructor anyway, you can use the Kotlin No-Args plugin.


 dependencies {
 classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-noarg:$kotlinVersion"
 apply plugin: "kotlin-noarg"
 noArg {

Now, create the Custom Annotation:

package com.your.package

annotation class NoArgs

Now the easiest * way is to use a generic type as your error message and use the custom annotation:

data class Error<out T>(val errorMessage: T)

val x = ObjectMapper().readValue<Error<*>>(json1)
val y = ObjectMapper().readValue<Error<*>>(json2)

when(y.errorMessage) {
  is String -> println("I'm a String!")
  is Map<*,*> -> println("I'm a Map")
  else -> println("I'm something else!")

You could also define the type explicitly on readValue, if you know it in advance: readValue<Error<String>>

You could also create a method inside Error for that logic in when

* There might be more elegant or useful solutions depending on your exact context.

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Mahdi Rajabi
Mahdi Rajabi

Reputation: 602

As far as I know, at least I experienced, you can not assign abstract type to readValue method, you have to specified it's concrete type both in readValue parameterizedType and it's properties.


In the line above you have to replace Error by one of it's subtype you wish and in following you must replace Map bye HashedMap

data class MultiError(val errorMessage: Map<String, String>) : Error()

Another way is using @JsonTypeInfo into json object to notify JackSon to include exact object type as meta-data into json stream. this solution needs code correction in both server and client side application. Refer to following link:


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