Reputation: 1533
I am trying to create a bit complex stored procedure in ms sql database. My main focus is take a input of long string text then split the data by characters and update that data where matching. In detail: DataString
is the input long text string which will contain value like bellow example.
is separator between name of data type and its value
is separator between two different kind of value
is separator between two set of data, each set of data separates by :
Now can u tell me how can i grab each data from long string and insert them where matching? Ask question if you still need to know something. Thanks in advance
Example of long text string:
The Unfinished SQL Code:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.lk_UpdateMatchingDataOfThirdparty
@DataString VARCHAR(MAX)
UPDATE ThirdPartyData SET Price = @value_get_from_string, IsPrime = @value_get_from_string, DateChecked = GETDATE()
WHERE ASIN = '@value_get_from_string' AND type = '@value_get_from_string';
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Views: 84
Reputation: 82000
Unfortunately string_split() does NOT return a sequence number. So if you are open to a an alternative split/parse function which is also performant.
Note: I made assumptions with the try_convert() portion
Declare @DataString varchar(max) = 'ASIN-NsQf8,type-0,Price-7,IsPrime-1:ASIN-fD5tsQ,type-1,Price-13,IsPrime-0:ASIN-tvQtsu,type-1,Price-14,IsPrime-1'
SET Price = B.Price
, IsPrime = B.IsPrime
, DateChecked = GETDATE()
From ThirdPartyData A
Join (
Select [ASIN] =replace(max(case when B.RetVal Like 'ASIN-%' then B.RetVal end),'ASIN-','')
,[Type] =try_convert(int,replace(max(case when B.RetVal Like 'type-%' then B.RetVal end),'type-',''))
,[Price] =try_convert(money,replace(max(case when B.RetVal Like 'price-%' then B.RetVal end),'price-',''))
,[IsPrime]=try_convert(bit,replace(max(case when B.RetVal Like 'IsPrime-%' then B.RetVal end),'IsPrime-',''))
From [dbo].[tvf-Str-Parse](@DataString,':') A
Cross Apply [dbo].[tvf-Str-Parse](A.RetVal,',') B
Group By A.RetSeq
) B
on A.[ASIN]=B.[ASIN] and A.[Type]=B.[Type]
If it Helps with the Visualization, the sub-query Returns
ASIN Type Price IsPrime
tvQtsu 1 14.00 1
NsQf8 0 7.00 1
fD5tsQ 1 13.00 0
The TVF if Interested
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[tvf-Str-Parse] (@String varchar(max),@Delimiter varchar(10))
Returns Table
Return (
Select RetSeq = Row_Number() over (Order By (Select null))
,RetVal = LTrim(RTrim(B.i.value('(./text())[1]', 'varchar(max)')))
From (Select x = Cast('<x>' + replace((Select replace(@String,@Delimiter,'§§Split§§') as [*] For XML Path('')),'§§Split§§','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml).query('.')) as A
Cross Apply x.nodes('x') AS B(i)
EDIT: If you want the 2016+
Select [ASIN] =replace(max(case when Value Like 'ASIN-%' then Value end),'ASIN-','')
,[Type] =try_convert(int,replace(max(case when Value Like 'type-%' then Value end),'type-',''))
,[Price] =try_convert(money,replace(max(case when Value Like 'price-%' then Value end),'price-',''))
,[IsPrime]=try_convert(bit,replace(max(case when Value Like 'IsPrime-%' then Value end),'IsPrime-',''))
From (
Select A.RN
From ( Select RN=Row_Number() over (Order by (select null)),* from string_split(@DataString,':') ) A
Cross Apply string_split(A.Value,',') B
) A
Group By RN
Upvotes: 1