Reputation: 9
I am working on a macro to pull data of receipts and I need to only find the qty for today's receipts. Using the IBM terminal I bring up an excel worksheet and then proceed to make IBM go to screen I need and then look at the date on the screen and match it to the receipt date. if today's date doesn't match the receipt date on the first page then I need to have the macro press enter and then search the second page for the matching date and so on till the dates match or if they never do stop once the receipt date is blank. My code is below. Not sure where the open function is to not let the code finish. I am a novice and have no idea of formatting code, I apologize in advance.
Thanks for any help you provide.
Sub RMBR()
Dim infile As String
Dim part As String * 19, COMMENT As String * 7, COMMENT2 As String * 2
Dim TDATE As String * 7, PLANT As String * 1
Dim source As String
Dim SELECTION As Integer, i As Integer, c As String
Dim Result As Single
Dim excel As Object
Dim ACELL As Single, BCELL As Single, CCELL As Single, dcell As Single
Dim Verify As Single
infile = InputBox$("input FILE NAME INCLUDING PATH?", "FILE NAME", "C:\CFILES\rmbr.XLSX")
TDATE = InputBox$("Input Status", "TDATE", "CURRENT")
i = 2
Set excel = CreateObject("EXCEL.APPLICATION")
excel.Visible = True
excel.Workbooks.Open FileName:=infile
ACELL = "A2"
BCELL = "B2"
CCELL = "C2"
DCELL = "D2"
excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1 = "PARTNO"
excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1 = "RMBR QTY"
excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1 = " "
excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1 = "TODAY'S DATE"
part = excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1
PLANT = excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1
COMMENT = excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1
COMMENT2 = excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1
Do Until partnumber = " "
With Session
.TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMClearKey
.WaitForEvent rcKbdEnabled, "30", "0", 1, 1
.WaitForEvent rcEnterPos, "30", "0", 1, 1
.TransmitANSI "RMBR"
.TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMEnterKey
.WaitForEvent rcKbdEnabled, "30", "0", 1, 1
'.WaitForEvent rcEnterPos, "30", "0", 2, 6
.WaitForDisplayString "FN:", "30", 2, 2
.MoveCursor 4, 11
.TransmitANSI part
.TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMEnterKey
.WaitForEvent rcKbdEnabled, "30", "0", 1, 1
Date = .GetDisplayText(4, 73, 8)
RIP.Date = .GetDisplayText(9, 73, 8)
Dim n As Integer
For n = 9 To 22
Do Until Date = RIP.Date
Date = .GetDisplayText(9, 73, 8)
RIP.Date = .GetDisplayText(n, 73, 8)
If Date = RIP.Date Then
Result = .GetDisplayText(n, 32, 6)
excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1 = Result
End If
If Date <> RIP.Date Then
.TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMEnterKey
End If
Do Until Date = RIP.Date
Date = .GetDisplayText(9, 73, 8)
RIP.Date = .GetDisplayText(n, 73, 8)
Do Until RIP.Date = " "
i = i + 1
c = Trim$(Str$(i))
ACELL = "A" + c
BCELL = "B" + c
CCELL = "C" + c
part = excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1
PLANT = excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1
COMMENT = excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1
COMMENT2 = excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1
End With
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 260
Reputation: 17565
There are quite some issues in your code, let's have a look:
Plenty of this:
excel.activecell.FormulaR1C1 = "PARTNO"
You can replace this by (far more readable):
excel.Range("A1").FormulaR1C1 = "PARTNO"
i = 2
ACELL = "A2"
And later:
i = i + 1
c = Trim$(Str$(i))
ACELL = "A" + c
You can use this at the beginning too, so replace the first one by:
i = 2
c = Trim$(Str$(i))
ACELL = "A" + c
For-loop is not ended:
For n = 9 To 22
(Where's the Next, or the Step?)
Possible endless loop:
Do Until RIP.Date = " "
(Two things: this is a possible endless loop, and second, what's with the list of spaces? You'd better say "... until Trim$(RIP.Date) = """)
Also the large loop is not ended:
Do Until partnumber = " "
(same comment as above)
Please correct your code further (as your code does not even compile, it's almost impossible to help you further).
In top of this I see that you are mixing small letters and capitals. In Excel this is not a problem but other programming languages might have a problem with that. Please get a good habit of using the same "capitalising" system for all your variables.
Upvotes: 0