Reputation: 15
/* Program to demonstrate gaussian <strong class="highlight">elimination</strong>
on a set of linear simultaneous equations
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const double eps = 1.e-15;
/*Preliminary pivoting strategy
Pivoting function
double pivot(vector<vector<double> > &a, vector<double> &b, int i)
int n = a.size();
int j=i;
double t=0;
for(int k=i; k<n; k+=1)
double aki = fabs(a[k][i]);
double dummy;
for(int L=0; L<n; L+=1)
dummy = a[i][L];
a[i][L]= a[j][L];
a[j][L]= dummy;
double temp = b[j];
return a[i][i];
/* Forward <strong class="highlight">elimination</strong> */
void triang(vector<vector<double> > &a, vector<double> &b)
int n = a.size();
for(int i=0; i<n-1; i+=1)
double diag = pivot(a,b,i);
cout<<"zero det"<<endl;
for(int j=i+1; j<n; j+=1)
double mult = a[j][i]/diag;
for(int k = i+1; k<n; k+=1)
double dotProd(vector<double> &u, vector<double> &v, int k1,int k2)
double sum = 0;
for(int i = k1; i <= k2; i += 1)
sum += u[i] * v[i];
return sum;
void backSubst(vector<vector<double> > &a, vector<double> &b, vector<double> &x)
int n = a.size();
for(int i = n-1; i >= 0; i -= 1)
x[i] = (b[i] - dotProd(a[i], x, i + 1, n-1))/ a[i][i];
REFINED GAUSSIAN <strong class="highlight">ELIMINATION</strong> PROCEDURE
void gauss(vector<vector<double> > &a, vector<double> &b, vector<double> &x)
triang(a, b);
backSubst(a, b, x);
int main()
int n;
cin >> n;
vector<vector<double> > a;
vector<double> x;
vector<double> b;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
vector<double> temp;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
int no;
cin >> no;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int no;
cin >> no;
gauss(a, b, x);
for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
cout << x[i] << endl;
return 0;
The above gaussian eleimination algorithm works fine on NxN matrices. But I need it to work on NxM matrix. Can anyone help me to do it? I am not very good at maths. I got this code on some website and i am stuck at it.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 35990
Reputation: 1
You can apply echelon reduction, like in this snippet
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
A rectangular matrix is in echelon form(or row echelon form) if it has the following
three properties :
1. All nonzero rows are above any rows of all zeros.
2. Each leading entry of a row is in a column to the right of the leading entry of
the row above it.
3. All entries in a column below a leading entry are zeros.
If a matrix in echelon form satisfies the following additional conditions,
then it is in reduced echelon form(or reduced row echelon form) :
4. The leading entry in each nonzero row is 1.
5. Each leading 1 is the only nonzero entry in its column.
template <typename C> void print(const C& c) {
for (const auto& e : c) {
cout << setw(10) << right << e;
cout << endl;
template <typename C> void print2(const C& c) {
for (const auto& e : c) {
cout << endl;
// input matrix consists of rows, which are vectors of double
vector<vector<double>> Gauss::Reduce(const vector<vector<double>>& matrix)
if (matrix.size() == 0)
throw string("Empty matrix");
auto A{ matrix };
auto mima = minmax_element(A.begin(), A.end(), [](const vector<double>& a, const vector<double>& b) {return a.size() < b.size(); });
auto mi = mima.first - A.begin(), ma = mima.second - A.begin();
if (A[mi].size() != A[ma].size())
throw string("All rows shall have equal length");
size_t height = A.size();
size_t width = A[0].size();
if (width == 0)
throw string("Only empty rows");
for (size_t row = 0; row != height; row++) {
cout << "processing row " << row << endl;
// Search for maximum below current row in column row and move it to current row; skip this step on the last one
size_t col{ row }, maxRow{ 0 };
// find pivot for current row (partial pivoting)
while (col < width)
maxRow = distance(A.begin(), max_element(A.begin() + row, A.end(), [col](const vector<double>& rowVectorA, const vector<double>& rowVectorB) {return abs(rowVectorA[col]) < abs(rowVectorB[col]); }));
if (A[maxRow][col] != 0) // nonzero in this row and column or below found
if (col == width) // e.g. in current row and below all entries are zero
if (row != maxRow)
swap(A[row], A[maxRow]);
cout << "swapped " << row << " and " << maxRow;
cout << " => leading entry in column " << col << endl;
// here col >= row holds; col is the column of the leading entry e.g. first nonzero column in current row
// moreover, all entries to the left and below are zeroed
if (row+1 < height)
cout << "processing column " << col << endl;
// Make in all rows below this one 0 in current column
for (size_t rowBelow = row + 1; rowBelow < height; rowBelow++) {
// subtract product of current row by factor
double factor = A[rowBelow][col] / A[row][col];
cout << "processing row " << rowBelow << " below the current; factor is " << factor << endl;
if (factor == 0)
for (size_t colRight{ col }; colRight < width; colRight++)
auto d = A[rowBelow][colRight] - factor * A[row][colRight];
A[rowBelow][colRight] = abs(d) < DBL_EPSILON ? 0 : d;
// the matrix A is in echelon form now
cout << "matrix in echelon form" << endl;
// reduced echelon form follows (backward phase)
size_t row(height-1);
auto findPivot = [&row, A] () -> size_t {
auto pos = find_if(A[row].begin(), A[row].end(), [](double d) {return d != 0; });
if (pos != A[row].end())
return pos - A[row].begin();
} while (row-- > 0);
return A[0].size();
auto col = findPivot();
if (col == width)
cout << "processing row " << row << endl;
if (A[row][col] != 1)
//scale row row to make element at [row][col] equal one
auto f = 1 / A[row][col];
transform(A[row].begin()+col, A[row].end(), A[row].begin()+col, [f](double d) {return d * f; });
auto rowAbove{ row};
while (rowAbove > 0)
double factor = A[rowAbove][col];
if (abs(factor) > 0)
for (auto colAbove{ 0 }; colAbove < width; colAbove++)
auto d = A[rowAbove][colAbove] - factor * A[row][colAbove];
A[rowAbove][colAbove] = abs(d) < DBL_EPSILON ? 0 : d;
cout << "transformed row " << rowAbove << endl;
} while (row-- > 0);
return A;
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Upvotes: 19
Reputation: 300
You just cannot apply Gaussian elimination directly to an NxM problem. If you have more equations than unknowns, the your problem is over-determined and you have no solution, which means you need to use something like the least squares method. Say that you have A*x = b, then instead of having x = inv(A)*b (when N=M), then you have to do x = inv(A^T*A)*A^T*b.
In the case where you have less equations then unknowns, then your problem is underdetermined and you have an infinity of solutions. In that case, you either pick one at random (e.g. setting some of the unknowns to an arbitrary value), or you need to use regularization, which means trying adding some extra constraints.
Upvotes: 3