Reputation: 25
I'm trying to scrap the exchange rates using excel VBA but I can not get the innerText value I need. I don't understand why because the same technique works on the other sites.
Sub GetCurr()
Dim tempHTMLDoc As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim HTMLCurrency As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Dim HTMLRows As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Dim HTMLDate As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Dim connectionTest As Boolean
Dim myURL As String
Dim i As Long
connectionTest = True
myURL = ""
Call WebConnection(tempHTMLDoc, connectionTest, myURL)
If connectionTest = False Then Exit Sub
Set HTMLDate = tempHTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("span")
'Debug.Print HTMLDate.Length
For Each HTMLElem In HTMLDate 'I am looking for which element contains the date (can not find)
Debug.Print HTMLElem.innerText
Next HTMLElem
'I am trying to get the necessary currencies
Set HTMLRows = tempHTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("tr")
Debug.Print HTMLRows.Length
For i = 0 To HTMLRows.Length - 1 'If lenght > 0
Set HTMLCurrency = HTMLRows(i).getElementsByTagName("td")
If HTMLCurrency.Length > 4 Then 'each currency contains 5 "td" tags
Select Case HTMLCurrency(2).innerText
Case "EUR"
EUR = HTMLCurrency(4).innerText
Case "HRK"
HRK = HTMLCurrency(4).innerText
Case "HUF"
HUF = HTMLCurrency(4).innerText
Case "PLN"
PLN = HTMLCurrency(4).innerText
Case "RON"
RON = HTMLCurrency(4).innerText
Case "CZK"
CZK = HTMLCurrency(4).innerText
End Select
End If
Next i
Debug.Print "EUR - ", EUR; vbNewLine; "HRK - ", HRK; vbNewLine; "HUF - ", HUF; vbNewLine; "PLN - ", PLN; vbNewLine; _
"RON - ", RON; vbNewLine; "CZK - ", CZK
End Sub
Sub WebConnection(HTMLDoc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument, ConnTest As Boolean, URL As String)
Dim errorMsg As VbMsgBoxResult
XMLPage.Open "GET", URL, False
On Error GoTo 0
If XMLPage.Status <> 200 Then
errorMsg = MsgBox("There is something wrong with webpage. Do you want to try to continue?", vbYesNo + vbCritical, "ERROR")
If errorMsg = vbNo Then
ConnTest = False
Exit Sub
End If
End If
HTMLDoc.body.innerHTML = XMLPage.responseText
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There is something wrong with the connection.", vbCritical, "ERROR"
ConnTest = False
Exit Sub
End Sub
I tried to use id (index:srednjiKursList:tbody_element) or class name(tableCell) but it doesn't work. This website is built in a different way
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1717
Reputation: 84465
Your original link, let's call it the landing page, is dynamically loaded. Your GET
request is too quick to retrieve the required info.
There is an alternative URL you can use.
When you go to the landing page you show it actually issues an XMLHTTP GET
request to the following page:
The above is from using fiddler
but you could inspect the web traffic with, for example, Chrome dev tools (F12).
You can input that URL directly into your code and it works perfectly.
Whole table:
You can also grab the whole table as follows:
Option Explicit
Public Sub GetInfo()
Dim html As New HTMLDocument, hTable As HTMLTable, clipboard As Object
Const URL = ""
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", URL, False
html.body.innerHTML = StrConv(.responseBody, vbUnicode)
End With
Set hTable = html.getElementById("index:srednjiKursLista")
Set clipboard = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
clipboard.SetText hTable.outerHTML
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial
End Sub
Sample of results:
Just the listed currencies:
You could also use a little maths, based on table structure, to get just those elements you listed.
Option Explicit
Public Sub GetInfo()
Dim html As New HTMLDocument, hTable As HTMLTable, clipboard As Object
Const URL = ""
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", URL, False
html.body.innerHTML = StrConv(.responseBody, vbUnicode)
End With
Set hTable = html.getElementById("index:srednjiKursLista")
Dim list As Object, i As Long
Dim EUR As Double, CZK As Double, HRK As Double, HUF As Double, PLN As Double, RON As Double, RSD As Double
Set list = hTable.querySelectorAll("td")
For i = 2 To list.Length - 1 Step 5
Select Case list.item(i).innerText
Case "EUR"
EUR = list.item(i + 2).innerText
Case "HRK"
HRK = list.item(i + 2).innerText
Case "HUF"
HUF = list.item(i + 2).innerText
Case "PLN"
PLN = list.item(i + 2).innerText
Case "RON"
RON = list.item(i + 2).innerText
Case "CZK"
CZK = list.item(i + 2).innerText
End Select
Debug.Print "EUR - ", EUR; vbNewLine; "HRK - ", HRK; vbNewLine; "HUF - ", HUF; vbNewLine; "PLN - ", PLN; vbNewLine; _
"RON - ", RON; vbNewLine; "CZK - ", CZK
End Sub
Using the clipboard:
The following line:
adds a late bound reference to Microsoft Forms Object Library so you can access the clipboard.
You could also either add a userform to your project or go VBE > Tools > references > Microsoft Forms Object Library to have access:
Upvotes: 2