In Excel the column names go like A, B, C, and when it goes past 26 it goes to AA for 27, AB, etc. When it hits AZ then it comes BA, and so on.
How can I convert between the names and numbers easily? I'm looking for a calculator that can switch between the two.
Ex: When I punch in "28", it should return "AB". If I punch in "AB", "28". I'd prefer an online calculator already made.
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Some user defined functions for code and sheet
Option Explicit
Public Sub TEST()
Debug.Print GetColNumber("AB")
Debug.Print GetColLetter(28)
End Sub
Public Function GetColNumber(ByVal columnHeader As String) As Long
GetColNumber = Evaluate("CELL(""col"", " & columnHeader & "1)")
End Function
Public Function GetColLetter(ByVal columnNumber As Long) As String
GetColLetter = Split(Evaluate("ADDRESS(1," & columnNumber & ",4)"), 1)(0)
End Function
Upvotes: 1
For AB from 28 try,
dim cola as string
cola = split(cells(1, 28).address, "$")(1)
debug.print cola
For 28 from AB try,
dim coli as long
coli = cells(1, "AB").column
debug.print coli
On the worksheet type AB in A1 and use this formula in B1 to get 28,
On the worksheet type 28 in A1 and use this formula in B1 to get AB,
=substitute(address(1, a1, 4, 1), 1, "")
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