
Reputation: 3169

Interpolation using ExponentialSmoothing from stats models

I am using ExponentialSmoothing from statsmodels to run Holt-Winters method on time series. I get forecasted values but can not extract calculated values and compare them with observed values.

from pandas import Series
from scipy import stats
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.api import ExponentialSmoothing

modelHW = ExponentialSmoothing(np.asarray(passtrain_df['n_passengers']), seasonal_periods=12, trend='add', seasonal='mul',).fit()

y_hat_avg['Holt_Winter'] = modelHW.forecast(prediction_size)

So here, prediction_size = number of forecasted datapoints (4 in my case) passtrain_df is a dataframe with observations (140 datapoints) based on which Holt_Winter model is built (regression).

I can easily display 4 forecasted values.

How do I extract 140 calculated values?

Tried to use:

print(ExponentialSmoothing.predict(np.asarray(passtrain_df), start=0, end=139))

But I probably have a syntax error somewhere

Thank you!

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2343

Answers (1)


Reputation: 61074


  • Replaced synthetic dataset with sample data from OP

  • Fixed function that builds new forecast period

  • Fixed x-axis date format as per OPs request


If you're looking for calculated values within your estimation period, you should use modelHW.fittedvalues and not modelHW.forecast(). The latter will give you just what it says; forecasts. And it's pretty awesome. Let me show you how to do both things:

Plot 1 - Model within estimation period

enter image description here

Plot 2 - Forecasts

enter image description here


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.tsa.api import ExponentialSmoothing
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

# Load data
pass_df = pd.read_csv('', sep=';')
pass_df = pass_df.set_index('month')

df = pass_df.copy()

# Model
modelHW = ExponentialSmoothing(np.asarray(df['n_passengers']), seasonal_periods=12, trend='add', seasonal='mul',).fit()

# Model, fitted values
model_values = modelHW.fittedvalues
model_period = df.index
df_model = pd.concat([df['n_passengers'], pd.Series(model_values, index = model_period)], axis = 1)
df_model.columns = ['n_passengers', 'HWmodel']
df_model = df_model.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(df_model.index))

# Model, plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
myFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m')
df_model.plot(ax = ax, x_compat=True)

# Forecasts
prediction_size = 10
forecast_values = modelHW.forecast(prediction_size)

# Forecasts, build new period 
forecast_start = df.index[-1]
forecast_start = pd.to_datetime(forecast_start, format='%Y-%m-%d')
forecast_period = pd.period_range(forecast_start, periods=prediction_size+1, freq='M')
forecast_period = forecast_period[1:]

# Forecasts, create dataframe
df_forecast = pd.Series(forecast_values, index = forecast_period.values).to_frame()
df_forecast.columns = ['HWforecast']

# merge input and forecast dataframes
df_all = pd.merge(df,df_forecast, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
#df_all = df_all.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(df_all.index.values))
ix = df_all.index
ixp = pd.PeriodIndex(ix, freq = 'M')
df_all = df_all.set_index(ixp)

# Forecast, plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
myFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m')
df_all.plot(ax = ax, x_compat=True)

Previous attempts:

# imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.tsa.api import ExponentialSmoothing

# Data that matches your setup, but with a random
# seed to make it reproducible

# Time
date = pd.to_datetime("1st of Jan, 2019")
dates = date+pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(140), 'D')

# Data
n_passengers = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=5.0, size=140).cumsum()
n_passengers = n_passengers.astype(int) + 100
df = pd.DataFrame({'n_passengers':n_passengers},index=dates)

1. How to plot observed vs. estimated values within the estimation period:

The following snippet will extract all fitted values and plot it against your observed values.

Snippet 2:

# Model
modelHW = ExponentialSmoothing(np.asarray(df['n_passengers']), seasonal_periods=12, trend='add', seasonal='mul',).fit()

# Model, fitted values
model_values = modelHW.fittedvalues
model_period = df.index
df_model = pd.concat([df['n_passengers'], pd.Series(model_values, index = model_period)], axis = 1)
df_model.columns = ['n_passengers', 'HWmodel']

Plot 1:

enter image description here

2. How to produce and plot model forecasts of a certain length:

The following snippet will produce 10 forecasts from your model, and plot it as an extended period compared to your observer values.

Snippet 3:

# Forecast
prediction_size = 10
forecast_values = modelHW.forecast(prediction_size)
forecast_period = df.index[-1] + pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(prediction_size+1), 'D')
forecast_period  = forecast_period[1:]

df_forecast = pd.concat([df['n_passengers'], pd.Series(forecast_values, index = forecast_period)], axis = 1)
df_forecast.columns = ['n_passengers', 'HWforecast']

Plot 2:

enter image description here

And here's the whole thing for an easy copy&paste:

# imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.tsa.api import ExponentialSmoothing

# Data that matches your setup, but with a random
# seed to make it reproducible

# Time
date = pd.to_datetime("1st of Jan, 2019")
dates = date+pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(140), 'D')

# Data
n_passengers = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=5.0, size=140).cumsum()
n_passengers = n_passengers.astype(int) + 100
df = pd.DataFrame({'n_passengers':n_passengers},index=dates)

# Model
modelHW = ExponentialSmoothing(np.asarray(df['n_passengers']), seasonal_periods=12, trend='add', seasonal='mul',).fit()

# Model, fitted values
model_values = modelHW.fittedvalues
model_period = df.index
df_model = pd.concat([df['n_passengers'], pd.Series(model_values, index = model_period)], axis = 1)
df_model.columns = ['n_passengers', 'HWmodel']

# Forecast
prediction_size = 10
forecast_values = modelHW.forecast(prediction_size)
forecast_period = df.index[-1] + pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(prediction_size+1), 'D')
forecast_period  = forecast_period[1:]

df_forecast = pd.concat([df['n_passengers'], pd.Series(forecast_values, index = forecast_period)], axis = 1)
df_forecast.columns = ['n_passengers', 'HWforecast']

@vestland - here is the code and error:

y_train = passtrain_df.copy(deep=True)

model_HW = ExponentialSmoothing(np.asarray(y_train['n_passengers']), seasonal_periods=12, trend='add', seasonal='mul',).fit()

model_values = model_HW.fittedvalues
model_period = y_train.index

hw_model = pd.concat([y_train['n_passengers'], pd.Series(model_values, index = model_period)], axis = 1)
hw_model.columns = ['Observed Passengers', 'Holt-Winters']


forecast_values = model_HW.forecast(prediction_size)
forecast_period = y_train.index[-1] + pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(prediction_size+1),'D')
forecast_period  = forecast_period[1:]

hw_forecast = pd.concat([y_train['n_passengers'], pd.Series(forecast_values, index = forecast_period)], axis = 1)
hw_forecast.columns = ['Observed Passengers', 'HW-Forecast']


NullFrequencyError     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-25-5f37a0dd0cfa> in <module>()
     18 forecast_values = model_HW.forecast(prediction_size)
---> 19 forecast_period = y_train.index[-1] +  pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(prediction_size+1),'D')
     20 forecast_period  = forecast_period[1:]

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site- packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in __radd__(self, other)
    879         def __radd__(self, other):
    880             # alias for __add__
--> 881             return self.__add__(other)
    882         cls.__radd__ = __radd__

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site- packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in __add__(self, other)
    842                 # This check must come after the check for  np.timedelta64
    843                 # as is_integer returns True for these
--> 844                 result = self.shift(other)
    846             # array-like others

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in shift(self, n, freq)
   1050         if self.freq is None:
-> 1051             raise NullFrequencyError("Cannot shift with no freq")
   1053         start = self[0] + n * self.freq

NullFrequencyError: Cannot shift with no freq

Upvotes: 3

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