Reputation: 21990
I want to convert [z,z,a,z,z,a,a,z]
to [{z,2},{a,1},{z,2},{a,2},{z,1}]
. How can I do it?
So, I need to accumulate previous value, counter of it and list of tuples.
I've create record
-record(acc, {previous, counter, tuples}).
listToTuples([]) -> [];
listToTuples([H | Tail]) ->
Acc = #acc{previous=H, counter=1},
listToTuples([Tail], Acc).
But then I have some trouble
listToTuples([H | Tail], Acc) ->
case H == Acc#acc.previous of
true ->
false ->
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1436
Reputation: 20926
I would personally use lists:foldr/3
or do it by hand with something like:
list_to_tuples([H|T]) -> list_to_tuples(T, H, 1);
list_to_tuples([]) -> [].
list_to_tuples([H|T], H, C) -> list_to_tuples(T, H, C+1);
list_to_tuples([H|T], P, C) -> [{P,C}|list_to_tuples(T, H, 1);
list_to_tuples([], P, C) -> [{P,C}].
Using two accumulators saves you unnecessarily building and pulling apart a tuple for every element in the list. I find writing it this way clearer.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1589
I would continue on the road building the list in reverse. Notice the pattern matching over X on the first line.
F = fun(X,[{X,N}|Rest]) -> [{X,N+1}|Rest];
(X,Rest) -> [{X,1}|Rest] end.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 2723
if you build up your answer (Acc) in reverse, the previous will be the head of that list.
here's how i would do it --
list_pairs(List) -> list_pairs(List, []).
list_pairs([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
list_pairs([H|T], [{H, Count}|Acc]) -> list_pairs(T, [{H, Count+1}|Acc]);
list_pairs([H|T], Acc) -> list_pairs(T, [{H, 1}|Acc]).
(i expect someone will now follow with a one-line list comprehension version..)
Upvotes: 9