Reputation: 1694
I have a query like this
{ "$match" : { "Posts.DateTime" : { "$gte" : ISODate("2018-09-04T11:50:58Z"), "$lte" : ISODate("2018-09-05T11:50:58Z") } } },
{ "$match" : { "UserId" : { "$in" : [NUUID("aaaaaaaa-cccc-dddd-dddd-5369b183cccc"), NUUID("vvvvvvvv-bbbb-ffff-cccc-e0af0c8acccc")] } } },
{ "$project" : { "_id" : 0, "UserId" : 1, "Posts" : 1 } },
{ "$unwind" : "$Posts" },
{ "$unwind" : "$Posts.Comments" },
{ "$sort" : {"Posts.DateTime" : -1} },
{ "$skip" : 0 }, { "$limit" : 20 },
{ "$project" : { "_id" : 0, "UserId" : 1, "DateTime" : "$Posts.DateTime", "Title" : "$Posts.Title", "Type" : "$Posts.Comments.Type", "Comment" : "$Posts.Comments.Description" } },
I have a compound index
"Posts.DateTime" : -1,
"UserId" : 1
Posts and Comments are array of objects. I've tried different types of indexes but the problem is it does not use my index in $sort stage. I changed the place of my $sort stage but wasn't successful. It seems it is working in $match but not set to $sort. I even tried 2 simple indexes on those fields and combination of 2 simple indexes and one compound index but none of them works. I also read related documents in MongoDB website for
Could somebody please help me to find the solution?
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Views: 80
Reputation: 1694
I solved this problem by changing my data model and moving DateTime
to higher level of data.
Upvotes: 1