Reputation: 23
I'm trying to Pull the file from s3 based on id and date of the filename:
Naming Convention:
The naming convention are as follows:
** ID_NAME_DATE.csv : filename follow that same pattern
example : 9919USEN_File_20180216.csv
example : 9919GBEN_File_20180211.csv
import boto3
import re
def downloadFiletest():
#connect to s3
client = boto3.resource(u's3', aws_access_key_id=u'KEY',
#used for downloading
s3 = boto3.client(u's3', aws_access_key_id=u'KEY',
dateIdReg = '[0-9]{8}'
dateSuffix = re.compile(date)
print (u"= S3 Client Connected =")
# configure s3 bucket
bucket = client.Bucket(u'us-eu-Bucket')
b_folder = "/folder/example/"
c_folder = b_folder.lower() + '/'
files_not_found = True
for cList in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=b_folder):
cFiles= cList.key
print ('file : ', cFiles)
for fileId in cFiles.lower():
files_not_found = False
f = fileId.rstrip()
fileidreg= '[0-9]{4}[a-zA-Z]{4}'
FileID = re.compile(fileidreg)
if FileID.match(f) and dateSuffix.match(f):
print(u'cList.key.lower(): ', cList.key.lower())
old_file = cList.key
dot_index = old_file.find(u'.')
print (u'old dot file name: ', dot_index)
file_ext = old_file[dot_index:]
cfile = fileId + '_file_' + dateSuffix + file_ext
tmp_path = "/tmp/folder/" + cfile
b_path = cVal + cfile
print (u'b path : ', b_path)
s3.download_file("us-eu-Bucket", b_path, tmp_path)
print ("TEMP PATH: ", tmp_path)
if files_not_found:
print("ALERT", "No file in {0}/{1}".format(bucket, b_folder))
It Skips over for fileId in cFiles.lower(): and closes the script.
Pull file from S3 and Download it to tmp_path
to be used as desired.
When pulling file i'd like the script to pick file based on ID and Date. For instance:
Rule: Pseudo:
If S3 has file 9919USEN_File_20180216.csv and 9919USEN_File_20180217.csv then pick 9919USEN_File_20180217.csv to download. Also IF 991USEN_File_2018.csv in S3 then don't pick file as it doesn't match rule, fileidreg = '[0-9]{4}[a-zA-Z]{4}' and dateIdReg = '[0-9]{8}'.
Rule: Visual:
9919USEN_File_20180217.csv > 9919USEN_File_20180216.csv [due to date]
9919USEN_File_20180217.csv > 991USEN_File_2018.csv [Due to Incorrect ID and Date]
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2836
Reputation: 23
The issue was the way it was structured. I've reorganized and put it in side a try, exception conditional loop. I've also used
instead of FileIDPrefix.match
since it was only looking specifically looking at the index and wasn't proper for the question in hand.
final solution.
import boto3
import re
#connect to s3
client = boto3.resource(u's3', aws_access_key_id=u'KEY',
#used for downloading
s3 = boto3.client(u's3', aws_access_key_id=u'KEY',
def downloadFiletest():
date = '[0-9]{8}' # fileDate regex
dateSuffix = re.compile(dates) # regex used to check the date of the file
reg = '[0-9]{4}[a-zA-Z]{4}' # filename regex
fileIDPrefix = re.compile(reg) # check fileID of the Filename.
folder = u"/folder/example/" # directory
bucket = client.Bucket(bucketname) # bucket
for cuList in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=folder): # filter to the folder
filenames= cList.key # directory of the files that we would like to use
# specific locations of site fileID of the file and date of the file
fileID = filenames[33:41]
fileDate = filenames[51:59]
# check the length of each values to be verified later.
lenf = len(fileID)
lenG = len(fileDate)
old_file = cList.key
dot_index = old_file.find(u'.')
file_ext = old_file[dot_index:]
# this check that the files in directory match our specified rules. if does it proceeds.
if and
filename = fileID + u'_file_' + fileDate + file_ext
tmp_path = "/tmp/mpcmt/" + filename
file_path = folder + filename
s3.download_file(bucketname, file_path, tmp_path)
return filename, tmp_path, fileID, fileDate
# this check the number of values/char in a directory to see it matches up to what is expected.
if dot_index > 59 or dot_index < 59:
print('File has wrong fileID or Wrong Date')
if lenG > 8 or lenG < 8:
print('File has wrong fileDate Format')
if lenf > 8 or lenf < 8:
print('File has wrong fileID')
except Exception as e: # this closes and displays an error if the file doesn't exist.
print("ALERT", "No file in {0}/{1}".format(bucket, folder))
# There was some issue / error / problem and that is why the program is exiting.
print >> sys.stderr, "No file in {0}/{1}".format(bucket, folder)
print >> sys.stderr, "Exception: %s" % str(e)
Upvotes: 1