Reputation: 19
I have about 50,000 IDs I need to lookup in AD and so I setup 10 threads using TPL to handle the list concurrently. It takes over 5 hours to go through these IDs and get the needed info as it is below. Any idea why? Is this normal or am I slowing things down with my code?
I tested and it could take an ID anywhere from 3-4 seconds to sometimes 70 or 80 seconds to complete an iteration for any given ID.
maxThreads = 10;
int hdCount = UserProfileDictionary.Count;
int completedCount = 0;
foreach (var intKey in UserProfileDictionary.Keys.ToList())
String ID = intKey;
MyTasks.Add(System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => GetADInfo(ID, ref UserProfileDictionary, supportedOUCNs), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning));
Console.Write("\rCompleted " + completedCount + " out of " + hdCount);
lock (numActiveThreadLock)
bool continuethreads = false;
while (continuethreads == false)
if (numActiveThreads < maxThreads)
continuethreads = true;
Task.WaitAll(MyTasks.ToArray(), -1);
protected static void GetADInfo(String ID, ref Dictionary<string, UserProfile> UserProfileDictionary, List<string> supportedOUCNs)
using (DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=A,DC=B,DC=C"))
using (DirectorySearcher mySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry))
mySearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
mySearcher.CacheResults = false;
mySearcher.PropertiesToLoad.AddRange(new string[] { "cn", "displayName", "canonicalName", "userAccountControl", "distinguishedName"});
mySearcher.Filter = ("(&(samAccountType=805306368)(sAMAccountName=" + ID + "))");
foreach (SearchResult result in mySearcher.FindAll())
String displayname = "";
String acctstatus = "N/A";
String acctLocation = "N/A";
String strUserDN = result.Properties["distinguishedName"][0].ToString();
displayname = result.Properties["displayName"][0].ToString();
displayname = "N/A";
acctLocation = result.Properties["canonicalName"][0].ToString().Replace(@"/" + result.Properties["cn"][0].ToString(), "");
int userAccountControl = Convert.ToInt32(result.Properties["userAccountControl"][0]);
bool disabled = ((userAccountControl & 2) > 0);
if (disabled == true)
acctstatus = "Disabled";
acctstatus = "Enabled";
String suptUser = "NOT SUPPORTED";
foreach (String CN in supportedOUCNs)
if (acctLocation.ToLower().Contains(CN.ToLower()) == true)
suptUser = "SUPPORTED";
Dictionary<string, string> usermemberOfDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
List<ResourceInfo> resInfoList = new List<ResourceInfo>();
entry.Path = "LDAP://" + strUserDN;
entry.RefreshCache(new string[] { "msds-memberOfTransitive" });
foreach (String strDN in entry.Properties["msds-memberOfTransitive"])
usermemberOfDictionary.Add(strDN, "GROUP");
String userOU = strUserDN;
String[] OUArray = userOU.Split(',');
foreach (String OU in OUArray)
userOU = userOU.Replace(OU + ",", "");
if (userOU != "DC=net")
usermemberOfDictionary.Add(userOU, "OU");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> DNEntry in usermemberOfDictionary)
String strObject = "";
entry.Path = "LDAP://" + DNEntry.Key;
entry.RefreshCache(new string[] { "cn", "DriveMapping", "Priority" });
if (DNEntry.Value == "GROUP")
strObject = entry.Properties["cn"][0].ToString();
strObject = DNEntry.Key;
if (entry.Properties["DriveMapping"].Count > 0)
String resPriority = "";
resPriority = entry.Properties["Priority"][0].ToString();
resPriority = "N/A";
PropertyValueCollection driveResources = entry.Properties["DriveMapping"];
for (int DRindex = 0; DRindex < driveResources.Count; DRindex++)
if (driveResources[DRindex].ToString().ToLower().Contains("<username>") == true)
String[] driveResourceArray = driveResources[DRindex].ToString().Split(',');
String resLetter = driveResourceArray[0] + @":\";
String resServer = driveResourceArray[1];
String resShare = driveResourceArray[2];
resInfoList.Add(new ResourceInfo
resObject = strObject,
resLetter = resLetter,
resServer = resServer,
resShare = resShare,
resPriority = resPriority,
resTargetLink = @"\\" + resServer + @"\" + resShare.ToLower().Replace("<username>", ID.ToLower()),
resServerSupportStatus = "NOT SUPPORTED",
resServerStatus = "OFFLINE",
resShareStatus = "NOT ACTIVE"
catch (Exception e)
UserProfile userProfile = UserProfileDictionary[ID.ToLower()];
userProfile.displayname = displayname;
userProfile.acctstatus = acctstatus;
userProfile.acctLocation = acctLocation;
userProfile.resources = resInfoList;
userProfile.userSupportStatus = suptUser;
UserProfileDictionary[ID.ToLower()] = userProfile;
lock (numActiveThreadLock)
Upvotes: -1
Views: 539
Reputation: 41008
The most glaring issue to me is this:
Yes, you should Dispose
of the SearchResultCollection
, but you have to dispose the one you created for the loop. Calling FindAll()
a second time just repeats the search. Then you're just discarding the results, and still leaving your previous SearchResultCollection
You should use something more like this:
using (var results = mySearcher.FindAll()) {
foreach (SearchResult result in results) {
Making that change should speed things up since it removes an unnecessary call out to AD for each account.
I found your reuse of entry
a bit odd, but I guess it works :)
Is there a reason you are not including msds-memberOfTransitive
in the PropertiesToLoad
? That would save another call out to AD.
mySearcher.PropertiesToLoad.AddRange(new string[] { "cn", "displayName", "canonicalName", "userAccountControl", "distinguishedName", "msds-memberOfTransitive"});
//These lines no longer needed
//entry.Path = "LDAP://" + strUserDN;
//entry.RefreshCache(new string[] { "msds-memberOfTransitive" });
foreach (String strDN in result.Properties["msds-memberOfTransitive"]) {
I see that's a new attribute in Windows Server 2012. I don't have access to a domain that runs on 2012, so I can't test to make sure that works, so maybe it won't. But I know it will return other constructed attributes (like canonicalName
), so it should work.
Also - I don't know if this will help speed, but it will help simplify your code - instead of using lock(UserProfileDictionaryLock)
you can just make UserProfileDictionary
a ConcurrentDictionary
, which is designed to be thread-safe.
Edit 2: If it's worth the effort, you can actually search for multiple accounts in one query:
The maximum length of the LDAP query is apparently very big, but you could do them in batches of 50 or even 100 (or more?).
So you could pass a list of usernames to your GetADInfo
method instead of just a single one. That could really cut down on the number connections you're making to AD.
Upvotes: 0