Reputation: 52987
Mind the following datatype:
data AB : Set where
A : AB -> AB
B : AB -> AB
C : AB
rwt : AB -> AB
rwt (B (A ab)) = rwt ab
rwt (A ab) = A (rwt ab)
rwt (B ab) = B (rwt ab)
rwt C = C
ab : AB
ab = rwt (rwt (B (B (A (A (A (A (B (B (A (B C)))))))))))
Here, rwt
is meant to replace all occurrences of B (A x)
by x
. The way it is written, though, doesn't guarantee the result is in normal form, which can be seen by the fact we needed two applications of rwt
to get to A (A (B (B x)))
, which can't be further rewritten.
Is there any way to write reduce : AB -> AB
in Agda that will return the same result as if we called rewrite
repeatedly until no B (A x)
is left? And, can we also get a proof of that (perhaps reduce : (input : AB) -> Σ AB (λ output . is-reduction-of input && is-in-nf output
The program below will always return the normal form of ab
reduce : AB -> ℕ -> AB
reduce (A ab) (suc n) = reduce ab n
reduce (A ab) zero = A (reduce ab zero)
reduce (B ab) n = reduce ab (suc n)
reduce C (suc n) = B (reduce C n)
reduce C zero = C
But how do we prove it actually returns a term without "redexes", and that it is equivalent to rwt (rwt (rwt ... ab))
? I'm asking because I expect there to be popular techniques to deal with that situation.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 117
Reputation: 30103
You could define rewriting inductively, then say that a normal term is not rewritable to anything. Then, prove that reduce
is sound and returns normal forms.
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary
data AB : Set where
A : AB -> AB
B : AB -> AB
C : AB
-- 1-step rewrite
infix 3 _~>_
data _~>_ : AB → AB → Set where
BA : ∀ {x} → B (A x) ~> x
A : ∀ {x y} → x ~> y → A x ~> A y
B : ∀ {x y} → x ~> y → B x ~> B y
-- reflexive-transitive closure
infixr 5 _◅_
data Star {A : Set}(R : A → A → Set) : A → A → Set where
ε : ∀ {x} → Star R x x
_◅_ : ∀ {x y z} → R x y → Star R y z → Star R x z
-- n-step rewrite
infix 3 _~>*_
_~>*_ : AB → AB → Set
_~>*_ = Star _~>_
normal : AB → Set
normal ab = ∀ {ab'} → ¬ (ab ~> ab')
reduceSound : ∀ ab → ab ~>* reduce ab 0
reduceNormal : ∀ ab → normal (reduce ab 0)
You will need to generalize reduceSound
and reduceNormal
for cases other than 0
. Otherwise, both are provable by direct induction, so I don't think it could be made easier by any particular technique.
Upvotes: 2