Reputation: 121
I want to output a form in which one field is an array, and for each element of the array I need to output my inputs.
userData.contacts = [
{contact_type: "phone", value: "380666666666"},
{contact_type: "email", value: "[email protected]"},
{contact_type: "website", value: ""}
this.contactInfoForm = new FormGroup ({
contacts: this.fb.array (userData.contacts)
<form [formGroup] = "contactInfoForm" novalidate (ngSubmit) = "submit ('contactInfoForm')">
<div formArrayName = "contacts" * ngFor = "let contact of contactInfoForm.get ('contacts'). controls; let i = index;">
<div formGroupName = "i">
<label> {{contact.value.contact_type}} </ label>
<input formControlName = "value">
</ div>
</ div>
</ form>
If to deduce in the console the form that there an object with a heap of the data.
asyncValidator: null
contacts: FormArray
asyncValidator: null
controls: Array (3)
0: FormControl {validator: null, asyncValidator: null, _onCollectionChange: ƒ, pristine: true, touched: false, ...}
1: FormControl {validator: null, asyncValidator: null, _onCollectionChange: ƒ, pristine: true, touched: false, ...}
2: FormControl {validator: null, asyncValidator: null, _onCollectionChange: ƒ, pristine: true, touched: false, ...}
length: 3
__proto__: Array (0)
dirty: (...)
disabled: (...)
enabled: (...)
errors: null
invalid: (...)
length: (...)
parent: (...)
pending: (...)
pristine: true
root: (...)
status: DISABLED
statusChanges: EventEmitter {_isScalar: false, observers: Array (0), closed: false, isStopped: false, hasError: false, ...}
touched: false
untouched: (...)
updateOn: (...)
valid: (...)
validator: null
value: (3) [{...}, {...}, {...}]
valueChanges: EventEmitter {_isScalar: false, observers: Array (0), closed: false, isStopped: false, hasError: false, ...}
_onCollectionChange: ƒ ()
_onDisabledChange: []
_parent: FormGroup {validator: null, asyncValidator: null, _onCollectionChange: ƒ, pristine: true, touched: false, ...}
__proto__: AbstractControl
__proto__: Object
dirty: (...)
disabled: (...)
enabled: (...)
errors: null
invalid: (...)
parent: (...)
pending: (...)
pristine: true
root: (...)
status: DISABLED
statusChanges: EventEmitter {_isScalar: false, observers: Array (0), closed: false, isStopped: false, hasError: false, ...}
touched: false
untouched: (...)
updateOn: (...)
valid: (...)
validator: null
value: {contacts: Array (3)}
valueChanges: EventEmitter {_isScalar: false, observers: Array (0), closed: false, isStopped: false, hasError: false, ...}
_onCollectionChange: ƒ ()
_onDisabledChange: []
__proto__: AbstractControl
I have tried to derive the information in different ways. It does not work. Even if stupidly copy-paste pieces from examples in the Internet. The same problems. The same mistakes.
Cannot find control with path: 'contacts -> 0 -> value'
Also tried:
<input [formControlName]="contact.value.value">
Got error:
contacts -> 0 -> 380666666666
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3715
Reputation: 121
userData.contacts = [{
contact_type: "phone",
value: "380666666666"
}, {
contact_type: "email",
value: "[email protected]"
}, {
contact_type: "website",
value: ""
this.contactInfoForm = new FormGroup({
contacts: this.fb.array([{ contact_type, value }) => {
<form [formGroup]="contactInfoForm" novalidate (submit)="submit('contactInfoForm')">
<div formArrayName="contacts" *ngFor="let contact of contactInfoForm.get('contacts').controls; let i = index;">
<div [formGroupName]="i" >
<label>{{ contact.value.contact_type }}</label>
<input formControlName="value">
Works fine. but i still doesn't like to use map method.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1721
You need to provide array of FormControl
elements for your contacts, instead of plain array.
const formControlArray = [];
userData.contacts.forEach(contact => {
formControlArray.push(new FormControl(contact.value));
this.contactInfoForm = new FormGroup ({
contacts: this.fb.array(formControlArray)
But, I am not sure the FormArray is the best choice for your use case, since elements must have different names. You can just dynamically add controls this way too:
this.contactInfoForm = new FormGroup({});
userData.contacts.forEach(contact => {
contactInfoForm.addControl(contact.contact_type, new FormControl(contact.value));
Upvotes: 1