Reputation: 2043
I'm learning sqlite3 with python, but I've been facing this error: "sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: store". How do I get around this?
import sqlite3
def create_table(): #function to create the table
conn = sqlite3.connect('lite.db')
cur = conn.cursor() # creating th cursor object
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS store (item TEXT, quantity INTEGER, price REAL)")
def insert(item, quantity, price ): #function to insert into the table
conn = sqlite3.connect('lite.db')
cur = conn.cursor() # creating th cursor object
cur.execute("INSERT INTO store VALUES(?,?,?)", (item, quantity, price))
def view():
conn = sqlite3.connect('lite.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM store")
rows = cur.fetchall()
return rows
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Views: 4331
Reputation: 4603
You forgot to call the create_table
method before calling insert
. As you haven't called the the create_table
method the insert
method tries to insert a record to a non existing table.
The solution is simply to call the create_table
method before insert
as follows:
create_table() # Add this line before the insert
insert("biscuits", 500, 20000)
Upvotes: 1