Reputation: 570
I am a newbie, I am using Quectel ec25-e GSm module. I am trying to send upload & and download data from FTP server. For this I am have gone through following steps:-
1. AT+QICSGP=1,1,"WWW","","",1 //Configure PDP context 1
2. AT+QIACT=1 //Activate PDP context 1.
3. AT+QFTPCFG="contextid",1 //Configure the PDP context ID as 1
4. AT+QFTPCFG="account","User","pass" //Set user name and password
5. AT+QFTPCFG="filetype",1 //Set file type as binary
6. AT+QFTPCFG="transmode",1 //Set transfer mode as passive mode.
7. AT+QFTPCFG="rsptimeout",150 //Set response timeout value
8. AT+QFTPOPEN="",21 // Login to FTP server
Login part is working fine, Now I choose my working directory :-
AT+QFTPCWD="/test" //Set current directory.
I can also create, rename and delete folder with following commands:-
AT+QFTPMKDIR="check" //Create a folder as “check” on FTP(S) server.
AT+QFTPRENAME="check","check1" //Rename a folder.
AT+QFTPRMDIR="check1" //Delete a folder
Till now every thing is fine. but now i am trying to list out all file is the folder ( while I know I have some file out there), it just wait for timeout and then give error. My command is :-
AT+QFTPNLST="." //List file names of current directory
And my output is:-
+CME ERROR: 609 means Timeout error .And same goes with uploading data.unfortunately Quectel is not providing documents for this module anymore. So, I can't share link. So I am attaching screen shots of application notes.Please tell me what i am missing here
Note* i have upgraded GSM firmware, but no success.
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Views: 1831
Reputation: 570
in FTP trans mode should be in active mode, so changing
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