Reputation: 21
i have a OBEXConnect and OBEXRequest custom functions, i am not using library for it OBEXConnect function is as following
private bool OBEXConnect()
//send client request
byte[] ConnectPacket = new byte[7];
ConnectPacket[0] = 0x80; // Connect
ConnectPacket[1] = 0x00; // Packetlength Hi Byte
ConnectPacket[2] = 0x07; // Packetlength Lo Byte
ConnectPacket[3] = 0x10; // Obex v1
ConnectPacket[4] = 0x00; // no flags
ConnectPacket[5] = 0x20; // 8k max packet size Hi Byte
ConnectPacket[6] = 0x00; // 8k max packet size Lo Byte
//listen for server response
byte[] ReceiveBufferA = new byte[3];
if (ReceiveBufferA[0] == 160) // 0xa0
//success, decode rest of packet
int plength = (0xff * ReceiveBufferA[1]) + ReceiveBufferA[2]; //length of packet is...
//listen for rest of packet
byte[] ReceiveBufferB = new byte[plength-3];
int obver = ReceiveBufferB[0]; //server obex version (16 = v1.0)
int cflags = ReceiveBufferB[1]; //connect flags
int maxpack = (0xff * ReceiveBufferB[2]) + ReceiveBufferB[3]; //max packet size
return true;
return false;
and here is OBEXRequest function
private int OBEXRequest(string tReqType, string tName, string tType, string tFileContent)
//send client request
int i;
int offset;
int packetsize;
byte reqtype = 0x82;
int tTypeLen = 0x03;
int typeheadsize;
int typesizeHi = 0x00;
int typesizeLo = 0x03;
//tName = "contact.vcf";
//tType = "text/x-vCard";
//tFileContent = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:2.1\r\nN:;aardvark\r\nFN:aardvark\r\nEND:VCARD\r\n";
if (tReqType == "GET")
reqtype = 0x83; // 131 GET-Final
if (tReqType == "PUT")
reqtype = 0x82; // 130 PUT-Final
packetsize = 3;
//Name Header
int tNameLength = tName.Length;
int nameheadsize = (3 + (tNameLength*2) + 2);
int namesizeHi = (nameheadsize & 0xff00)/0xff;
int namesizeLo = nameheadsize & 0x00ff;
packetsize = packetsize + nameheadsize;
if (tType != "")
//Type Header
tTypeLen = tType.Length;
typeheadsize = 3 + tTypeLen + 1;
typesizeHi = (typeheadsize & 0xff00)/0xff;
typesizeLo = typeheadsize & 0x00ff;
packetsize = packetsize + typeheadsize;
int fileLen = tFileContent.Length;
int fileheadsize = 3 + fileLen ;
int filesizeHi = (fileheadsize & 0xff00)/0xff;;
int filesizeLo = fileheadsize & 0x00ff;;
packetsize = packetsize + fileheadsize;
int packetsizeHi = (packetsize & 0xff00)/0xff;
int packetsizeLo = packetsize & 0x00ff;
byte[] tSendByte = new byte[packetsize];
//PUT-final Header
tSendByte[0] = reqtype; // Request type e.g. PUT-final 130
tSendByte[1] = Convert.ToByte(packetsizeHi); // Packetlength Hi
tSendByte[2] = Convert.ToByte(packetsizeLo); // Packetlength Lo
offset = 2;
//Name Header
tSendByte[offset+1] = 0x01; // HI for Name header
tSendByte[offset+2] = Convert.ToByte(namesizeHi); // Length of Name header (2 bytes per char)
tSendByte[offset+3] = Convert.ToByte(namesizeLo); // Length of Name header (2 bytes per char)
// Name+\n\n in unicode
byte[] tNameU = System.Text.Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes(tName);
offset = offset + 3 + (tNameLength*2);
tSendByte[offset+1] = 0x00; // null term
tSendByte[offset+2] = 0x00; // null term
offset = offset + 2;
if (tType != "")
//Type Header
tSendByte[offset+1] = 0x42; // HI for Type Header 66
tSendByte[offset+2] = Convert.ToByte(typesizeHi); // Length of Type Header
tSendByte[offset+3] = Convert.ToByte(typesizeLo); // Length of Type Header
for (i=0;i<=(tTypeLen-1);i++)
tSendByte[offset+4+i] = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToChar(tType.Substring(i,1)));
tSendByte[offset+3+tTypeLen+1] = 0x00; // null terminator
offset = offset+3+tTypeLen+1;
tSendByte[offset+1] = 0x49; //HI End of Body 73
tSendByte[offset+2] = Convert.ToByte(filesizeHi); //
tSendByte[offset+3] = Convert.ToByte(filesizeLo); //1k payload + 3 for HI header
for (i=0;i<=(fileLen-1);i++)
tSendByte[offset+4+i] = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToChar(tFileContent.Substring(i,1)));
//tSendByte[offset+4+fileLen] = 0x00; // null terminator
offset = offset+3+fileLen;
stream.Write(tSendByte,0,tSendByte.Length );
//listen for server response
//TODO: can hang here forever waiting response...
bool x = stream.DataAvailable; // changed bluetoothclient - public NetworkStream GetStream()
byte[] tArray4 = new byte[3];
x = stream.DataAvailable;
if (tArray4[0] == 160) // 0xa0
int plength = (tArray4[1] * 256) + tArray4[2] - 3;
byte[] tArray5 = new byte[plength];
if (plength >0)
//TODO: data in returned packet to deal with
return 160;
if (tArray4[0] == 197) // 0xc5 Method not allowed
return 197;
if (tArray4[0] == 192) // 0xc0 Bad Request
return 192;
return 0;
i want to read the phone book of mobile but i not succeeded yet i try on one samsung mobile it gives error bad request i follow the solutions above mentioned but when name = null then obexrequest function gives error
when i try it on huawei mobile it gives unknown error
i try this code as well it throw error that this method is not implemented
Read contacts using obex in c#
i call these functions like this
string tName = "";
string tType = "text/x-vCard";
string tFileContent = "";
int result = OBEXRequest("GET",tName,tType,tFileContent);
switch (result)
case 160: // 0xa0
case 197: // 0xc5
addtolog("Method not allowed");
case 192: // 0xc0
addtolog("Bad Request");
addtolog("Other Error");
can any body point out my mistake
Upvotes: 1
Views: 133