Reputation: 33
My RPA Express project iterates through a number of URLs and if a certain condition is met, clicks on a icon that pops up a HTML "Confirm" modal dialog. The code clicks "OK" (tried also Keypress "Enter") and then goes into a next URL. The problem is that after the first confirmation (click OK or press Enter) on the dialog box and processing to a next URL, all attempts to use Web Element (get by xpath) fail with:
Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.NoAlertPresentException: No modal dialog is currently open
I tried unsuccessfully:
It looks like the system does not recognize that the modal dialog was actually closed. Any idea how to get it fixed?
Here is the main loop code:
event_id_list.each( {this_event_id ->
this_id = RString.of(RNumber.fromRepresentation("${this_event_id}","0;pl-PL").toRepresentation("0;pl-PL"))
this_url = event_url_patern.replaceFirstIgnoreCase("[id]", "${this_id}")
confirm_close_window = RBoolean.fromCanonical("false")
inDesktop {
sendKeys(StringTransformations.getKeyPressText(63, 0, 116, 2))
// Group of actions: Open Event URL
$(byImage("1536237127355-anchor-1536911026524.apng", Integer.valueOf(0), Integer.valueOf(0))).click()
setClipboardText(this_url as String)
inDesktop {
sendKeys(StringTransformations.getHotKeyText(97, 2))
inDesktop {
sendKeys(StringTransformations.getHotKeyText(118, 2))
inDesktop {
sendKeys(StringTransformations.getKeyPressText(28, 13, 10, 0))
def i1 = System.currentTimeMillis() + 8000
boolean i0 = true
while (i0) {
try {
even_opened = RBoolean.TRUE
} catch (Exception ignored) {
even_opened = RBoolean.FALSE
i0 = System.currentTimeMillis() < i1
$(byImage("1537167271142-anchor-1537167271149.apng", Integer.valueOf(0), Integer.valueOf(0))).click()
try {
this_crewx_vessel = RString.of($(byXpath("/html/body/form/div[3]/table[1]/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/b")).text())
} catch (Exception i2) {
this_crewx_vessel = RString.of("N/A")
try {
this_crewx_port = RString.of($(byXpath("//*[@id=\"form1\"]/div[3]/table[1]/tbody/tr[1]/td[6]/b/a")).text())
} catch (Exception i3) {
this_crewx_port = RString.of("N/A")
Resource.append("${log_file_path}", "<p>Processing id ${this_id} (${this_crewx_vessel} at ${this_crewx_port}) - outcome: ", "UTF-8")
icon_src = RString.of($(byXpath("//*[@id=\"toggleEventImg\"]")).getAttribute("src"))
if ((RString.of("images/lock.gif")) in (icon_src)) {
def i5 = System.currentTimeMillis() + 3000
boolean i4 = true
while (i4) {
try {
confirm_close_window = RBoolean.TRUE
} catch (Exception ignored) {
confirm_close_window = RBoolean.FALSE
i4 = System.currentTimeMillis() < i5
if ((confirm_close_window) == (RBoolean.fromCanonical('true'))) {
inDesktop {
sendKeys(StringTransformations.getKeyPressText(28, 13, 10, 0))
Resource.append("${log_file_path}", "closed.</p>", "UTF-8")
// compare_item = RString.of($(byXpath("//*[@id=\"toggleEventImg\"]")).text())
} else {
Resource.append("${log_file_path}", "no action (confirm window no show)</p>", "UTF-8")
} else {
Resource.append("${log_file_path}", "no action (already closed).</p>", "UTF-8")
The error is thrown at:
icon_src = RString.of($(byXpath("//*[@id=\"toggleEventImg\"]")).getAttribute("src"))
Upvotes: 0
Views: 206
Reputation: 36
Instead of clicking an image and typing in the url, try opening the URL using OpenIE or OpenChrome
Upvotes: 0