Reputation: 45
I have a very large data set containing weekly weights that have been coded with week of study and the weight at that visit. There are some missing visits and the data is not currently aligned.
df <- data.frame(ID=1:3, Week_A=c(6,6,7), Weight_A=c(23,24,23), Week_B=c(7,7,8),
Weight_B=c(25,26,27), Week_C=c(8,9,9), Weight_C=c(27,26,28))
ID Week_A Weight_A Week_B Weight_B Week_C Weight_C
1 1 6 23 7 25 8 27
2 2 6 24 7 26 9 26
3 3 7 23 8 27 9 28
I would like to align the data by week number (ideal output below).
df_ideal <- data.frame (ID=1:3, Week_6=c(23,24,NA), Week_7=c(25,26,23),
Week_8=c(27,NA,27), Week_9=c(NA,26,28))
ID Week_6 Week_7 Week_8 Week_9
1 1 23 25 27 NA
2 2 24 26 NA 26
3 3 NA 23 27 28
I would appreciate some help with this, even to find a starting point to manipulate this data to an easier to manage format.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 78
Reputation: 1364
A tidyverse solution:
df <- data.frame(ID=1:3,
df_long <- df %>% gather(key="v", value="value", -ID) %>%
separate(v, into=c("v1", "v2")) %>%
spread(v1, value) %>%
complete(ID, Week) %>%
arrange(Week, ID)
# A tibble: 12 x 4
# ID Week v2 Weight
# <int> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 1 6 A 23
# 2 2 6 A 24
# 3 3 6 <NA> NA
# 4 1 7 B 25
# 5 2 7 B 26
# 6 3 7 A 23
# 7 1 8 C 27
# 8 2 8 <NA> NA
# 9 3 8 B 27
#10 1 9 <NA> NA
#11 2 9 C 26
#12 3 9 C 28
df_wide <- df_long %>% select(-v2) %>%
spread(Week, Weight, sep="_")
# A tibble: 3 x 5
# ID Week_6 Week_7 Week_8 Week_9
# <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 23 25 27 NA
#2 2 24 26 NA 26
#3 3 NA 23 27 28
Personally, I'd keep using df_long instead of df_wide, as it is a tidy
data frame, while df_wide is not.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 93908
In base R, it's a double reshape
, firstly to long and then back to wide on a different variable:
tmp <- reshape(df, idvar="ID", varying=lapply(c("Week_","Weight_"), grep, names(df)),
v.names=c("time","Week"), direction="long")
reshape(tmp, idvar="ID", direction="wide", sep="_")
# ID Week_6 Week_7 Week_8 Week_9
#1.1 1 23 25 27 NA
#2.1 2 24 26 NA 26
#3.1 3 NA 23 27 28
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 50718
Another tidyverse
solution using a double-gather
with a final spread
df %>%
gather(k, v, -ID, -starts_with("Weight")) %>%
separate(k, into = c("k1", "k2")) %>%
unite(k1, k1, v) %>%
gather(k, v, starts_with("Weight")) %>%
separate(k, into = c("k3", "k4")) %>%
filter(k2 == k4) %>%
select(-k2, -k3, -k4) %>%
spread(k1, v)
# ID Week_6 Week_7 Week_8 Week_9
#1 1 23 25 27 NA
#2 2 24 26 NA 26
#3 3 NA 23 27 28
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 25225
Here is a possible approach using the data.table
#convert into a data.table
#convert into a long format
mdat <- melt(df, id.vars="ID", measure.vars=patterns("^Week", "^Weight", cols=names(df)))
#pivot into desired output
ans <- dcast(mdat, ID ~ value1, value.var="value2")
ID 6 7 8 9
1: 1 23 25 27 NA
2: 2 24 26 NA 26
3: 3 NA 23 27 28
And if you really need the "Week_" in your column names, you can use
setnames(ans, names(ans)[-1L], paste("Week_", names(ans)[-1L]))
Upvotes: 1