Reputation: 911
I've made a data storage symbol using B.difference
and B.union
. The one with the red dot in the middle.
dataStorage :: Diagram B
dataStorage = (strokePath $ B.difference Winding combined block1) # translateX (-0.3)
where block1 = (circle 0.5) # scaleX 0.5 # translateX (-1)
block2 = rect 2 1
block3 = (circle 0.5) # translateX (1)
combined = B.union Winding $ block2 <> block3
I've been trying for hours now but can't make an arrow straight between Previous Estimate
written inside that symbol and Signal Decomposition (SSA)
. The goal is to draw the arrow starting at the center right outside of the symbol. Any help is welcome. Thank you very much.
EDIT 1: Added wanted result.
Here's the complete code.
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module FlowChartTR where
import System.Process
--import Graphics.SVGFonts
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.TwoD.Arrow
import qualified Diagrams.TwoD.Path.Boolean as B
oneLineText txt = text txt
twoLineText txt1 txt2 = center $ (text txt1) === strutY 0.2 === (text txt2)
threeLineText txt1 txt2 txt3 = center $
(text txt1) === strutY 0.2 === (text txt2) === strutY 0.2 === (text txt3)
terminal writeText w h r = (writeText <> roundedRect w h r) # lwL 0.02 # fontSize (local 0.2)
--terminalInput = (text "Input Data" <> roundedRect 1 0.3 0.3) # lwL 0.02 # fontSize (local 0.2)
--process txt w h = (text txt <> rect w h) # lwL 0.02 # fontSize (local 0.2)
process writeText w h = (writeText <> rect w h) # lwL 0.02 # fontSize (local 0.2)
dataStorage :: Diagram B
dataStorage = (strokePath $ B.difference Winding combined block1) # translateX (-0.3)
where block1 = (circle 0.5) # scaleX 0.5 # translateX (-1)
block2 = rect 2 1
block3 = (circle 0.5) # translateX (1)
combined = B.union Winding $ block2 <> block3
--decision :: Diagram B
--decision = (text "BPM" <> rect 0.4 0.3) # lwL 0.02 # fontSize (local 0.2)
input = (terminal (oneLineText "Input Data") 1.2 0.3 0.3) # named "terminalInput"
bandpass = (process (twoLineText "Bandpass" "Filtering") 1.5 0.5) # named "bandpass"
ssa = (process (threeLineText "Signal" "Decomposition" "(SSA)") 1.5 1) # translateY (-0.3) # named "ssa" # showOrigin
td = (process (twoLineText "Temporal" "Difference") 1 0.5) # named "td"
focuss = (process (threeLineText "Sparse Signal" "Reconstruction" "(FOCUSS)") 1.5 0.8) # named "focuss"
outputBPM = (terminal (oneLineText "Output BPM") 1.2 0.3 0.3) # named "terminalOutput"
spt = (process (threeLineText "Spectral Peak" "Tracking" "Select & Verif") 1.5 0.8) # named "spt"
prior = (oneLineText "Previous Estimate" <> dataStorage) # fontSize (local 0.2) # named "prior" #showOrigin # translateY 1
arrowStyle = (with & arrowHead .~ dart & headLength .~ large & tailLength .~ veryLarge)
ushaft = trailFromVertices (map p2 [(0, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 1), (1, 1)])
arrowStyleU = (with & arrowHead .~ dart & headLength .~ large & tailLength .~ veryLarge & arrowShaft .~ ushaft)
decision :: Diagram B
decision = square 5 # rotate (45 @@ deg) # scaleY 0.5
placeBlocks :: Diagram B
placeBlocks = atPoints [ P (V2 0 0), -- input
P (V2 4 0), -- bandpass
P (V2 8 0), -- ssa
P (V2 8 (-2)), -- td
P (V2 8 (-4)), -- focuss
P (V2 4 (-4)), -- spt
P (V2 0 (-4)), -- outputBPM
P (V2 4 (-2)) -- prior
] [input, bandpass,ssa, td, focuss, spt, outputBPM, prior]
flowChart :: Diagram B
flowChart = placeBlocks # connectOutside' arrowStyle "terminalInput" "bandpass"
# connectOutside' arrowStyle "bandpass" "ssa"
# connectOutside' arrowStyle "ssa" "td"
# connectOutside' arrowStyle "td" "focuss"
# connectOutside' arrowStyle "focuss" "spt"
# connectOutside' arrowStyle "spt" "terminalOutput"
# connectOutside' arrowStyle "prior" "spt"
# connectOutside' arrowStyleU "prior" "ssa"
# pad 1.1
flowChartTR :: IO ()
flowChartTR = mainWith flowChart
Upvotes: 7
Views: 199
Reputation: 911
I got it. After I scaled down the symbol It becomes easier to adjust the connection.
Here's the changes.
[input, bandpass,ssa, td, focuss, spt, outputBPM, (prior # scale 0.7)]
# connectPerim' arrowStyleU "prior" "ssa" (0 @@ deg) (205 @@ deg)
- Adding arrowTail .~ lineTail
is critical.
Upvotes: 3