Reputation: 23
I want to download a subselection from GFS-ensemble data from an OpenDAP server via netCDF and xarray. However, when trying to load the subselection into memory, the program crashes after a while returning a RuntimeError (netCDF: I/O failure).
The amount of data points I wish to obtain is 13650, therefore the data size should be easily handleable in Python.
Oddly enough, I do not experience this problem when downloading GFS-data or NCEP-Reanalysis data. This makes me believe that the issue could be related to the amount of data dimensions, as the ensemble data has 5 dimensions and the Reanalysis and Operational (GFS) data only have 4 dimensions.
I have also tried downloading the data when only using the netCDF4-module, but that resulted in the same error. Thus, I do not think the problem is connected to xarray.
Here is the required code to download the data:
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import time as tm
# Set time to download data from (this is always the 00UTC run of the present day)
time_year = str(tm.localtime()[0])
time_month = str(tm.localtime()[1])
time_day = str(tm.localtime()[2])
if len(time_month)== 1:
time_month = '0' + time_month
datestr = time_year + time_month + time_day
print('The run chosen is the 00 UTC run of ' + time_day + '-' + time_month + '-' + time_year)
# Define server information
serverstring='' + datestr + '/gep_all_00z'
# Load data
dataset = xr.open_dataset(serverstring)
time = dataset.variables['time']
lat = dataset.variables['lat'][:]
lon = dataset.variables['lon'][:]
lev = dataset.variables['lev'][:]
ens = dataset.variables['ens'][:]
# Select user settings to plot (in this case all timesteps for all (20) members for a box around the Netherlands near the surface)
time_toplot = time # select all available timesteps
lat_toplot = np.arange(50, 55, 0.5)
lon_toplot = np.arange(2, 8, 0.5)
lev_toplot = np.array([1000])
ens_toplot = ens # select all available ensemble members
# Select required data via xarray
dataset = dataset.sel(ens=ens_toplot, time=time_toplot, lev=lev_toplot, lon=lon_toplot, lat=lat_toplot)
# Loading the data into memory finally results in the error
u = dataset.variables["ugrdprs"].values
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