Reputation: 3032
When running Julia 1.0.0 the @printf macro seems to not be able to accept either a constant format string or a variable format string. This is shown below.
julia> using Printf
julia> const fmt = "%10d %6.4f"
"%10d %6.4f"
julia> @printf(fmt, 101, 65.4039)
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: @printf: first or second argument must be a format string
julia> fmt2 = "%10d %6.4f"
"%10d %6.4f"
julia> @printf(fmt2, 101, 65.4039)
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: @printf: first or second argument must be a format string
I found a discussion for an early version of Julia (2013) where this kind of thing was not allowed.
I see in the 1.0.0 documentation for @printf
the following syntax:
@printf([io::IOStream], "%Fmt", args...)
Does this imply that "@Fmt"
must be hardcoded into the @printf
parameters when called?
Has anything changed with regard to using a dynamic format string since 2013 with regard to Julia's @printf
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1453
Reputation: 79113
Moved answer from an edit to the question, by Julia Learner:
It appears that the use of @printf has not changed up to version 1.0.0.
For anyone else wanting a dynamic format string capability, here is what I have found for Julia 1.0.0 and the 9/20/2018 version of the Formatting package. From its documentation
This package is pure Julia. Setting up this package is like setting up other Julia packages:
You will probably get an error error using 1.0.0:
julia> Pkg.add("Formatting")
ERROR: UndefVarError: Pkg not defined
*Solution: Access the new package manager in Julia 1.0.0 with the ] key, see docs.
Note: The following command is case sensitive, add formatting
will fail.
(v1.0) pkg> add Formatting
Now your first test of printfmt
may fail as shown:
julia> printfmt("Testing")
ERROR: UndefVarError: STDOUT not defined
Solution: Add a standard out parameter and spell stdout
in lowercase:
julia> printfmt(stdout, "Testing")
Now we have a working dynamic format capability in Julia 1.0.0:
Next you may get the following error:
julia> const fmt = "%10d %6.4"
ERROR: cannot assign variable Formatting.fmt from module Main
Solution: Use a format variable name that does not conflict with the Formatting package. Also note the use, in this example, of a Python-style format string:
julia> frmt = "{:10d} {:6.4f}" # Python-style format string
"{:10d} {:6.4f}"
julia> printfmt(stdout, frmt, 10, 65.4039)
10 65.4039
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Reputation: 10147
As far as I can see by inspecting the implementation of @printf
this is currently not supported. Note that it checks for args[1] isa AbstractString
which isn't true in your example (where typeof(args[1]) == Symbol
If you feel this should be added, you could file a feature request here.
Actually I should have read the github issue that you linked. Although it still isn't supported the way you want it, there are nice ways to handle cases like this. As has been suggested by Stefan here you can do:
julia> using Printf
julia> const fmt = "%10d %6.4f"
"%10d %6.4f"
julia> @eval myprintf(x,y) = @printf($fmt,x,y)
myprintf (generic function with 1 method)
julia> myprintf(101, 65.4039)
101 65.4039
This defines a (efficient) function myprintf
which has the format string build in.
Upvotes: 3