Reputation: 101
I am trying to figure out how to dynamically select a text field from a dropdown. I've got a link to a stackblitz sketch. Ideally I want to pull the data from an array or a json file. I've tried making different filter / keyvalue pipes and databinding in various ways - here is my most current sketch
basically I want to select a sport from the dropdown list and the to populate a div based on info in the array (only one selected sport at a time - I can spit out all the data but seem to have trouble getting the ngFor/ ngIf directives working) - I used to be able to do this easily with Angular1/ Angularjs but am just getting up to speed the current version of Angular - I've gone through the docs and other SO queries but couldn't find anything pertinent - weird as it seems such a simple issue - any advice appreciated
here is part of the component.ts from the stackblitz link
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<div class="example-wrapper">
<p>Favorite sport:</p>
<kendo-combobox [data]="listItems" [allowCustom]="allowCustom">
<!-- this shows nothing-->
<div *ngIf="listitems == true" >
<div *ngFor="let data of sportdata">
<h1>Sport name: {{data.sportname}}</h1>
<h2>Sport rules: {{data.sportrules}}</h2>
<h3>Notable athletes: {{data.sportPersons}}</h3>
<!-- this shows something-->
<div *ngFor="let data of sportdata">
<h1>Sport name: {{data.sportname}}</h1>
<h2>Sport rules: {{data.sportrules}}</h2>
<h3>Notable athletes: {{data.sportPersons}}</h3>
export class AppComponent {
public allowCustom: boolean = true;
public listItems: Array<string> = ["Baseball", "Basketball", "Cricket", "Field Hockey", "Football", "Table Tennis", "Tennis", "Volleyball"];
public sportdata = [
position: 1, sportname: 'Basetball', sportrules: 'enter the specific rule set here.', sportPersons: 'Name of sports person/s.'
position: 2, sportname: 'Basketball', sportrules: 'enter the specific rule set here.', sportPersons: 'Name of sports person/s.'
position: 3, sportname: 'Cricket', sportrules: 'enter the specific rule set here.', sportPersons: 'Name of sports person/s.'
position: 4, sportname: 'Field Hockey', sportrules: 'enter the specific rule set here.', sportPersons: 'Name of sports person/s.'
position: 5, sportname: 'Football', sportrules: 'enter the specific rule set here.', sportPersons: 'Name of sports person/s.'
position: 6, sportname: 'Table Tennis', sportrules: 'enter the specific rule set here.', sportPersons: 'Name of sports person/s.'
position: 7, sportname: 'Tennis', sportrules: 'enter the specific rule set here.', sportPersons: 'Name of sports person/s.'
position: 8, sportname: 'Volleyball', sportrules: 'enter the specific rule set here.', sportPersons: 'Name of sports person/s.'
edit . I am also looking to do this without using kendo UI hence this stackblitz sketch Is there a way to do this with a non kendo dropdown?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1189
Reputation: 101
With kind thanks to the help from Indrkumara and user3250 Here is a final version of the sport selector dropdown I was trying to create
hopefully it'll help anyone else coming from Angularjs/v1 and wanting to get up to speed with the new version of Angular (v6 as of this moment)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1645
I have modified your code :
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
name: 'myfilter',
pure: false
export class MyFilterPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(items: any[], filter: any): any {
if (!items || !filter) {
return [];
// filter items array, items which match and return true will be
// kept, false will be filtered out
return items.filter(item => item.sportname.indexOf(filter) !== -1);
mainly introduce a filter and ngModel data binding
<p>Favorite sport:</p>
<kendo-combobox [data]="listItems" [(ngModel)]="selectedSport" [allowCustom]="allowCustom">
<!-- this shows something-->
<div *ngFor="let data of sportdata | myfilter : selectedSport">
<h1>Sport name: {{data.sportname}}</h1>
<h2>Sport rules: {{data.sportrules}}</h2>
<h3>Notable athletes: {{data.sportPersons}}</h3>
And AppComponent
export class AppComponent {
public allowCustom: boolean = true;
public listItems: Array<string> = ["Baseball", "Basketball", "Cricket", "Field Hockey", "Football", "Table Tennis", "Tennis", "Volleyball"];
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3421
I created a Stacblitz here:
Variable listItems
isn't a boolean hence below condition wouldn't be true.
<!-- this shows nothing-->
<div *ngIf="listItems == true" >
Changing to <div *ngIf="listItems.length>0" >
, works updated in Stackblitz.
To get selected sport you needed a variable and selectionChange event of combo box as below:
<kendo-combobox (selectionChange)="changeSport($event)" [data]="listItems" [allowCustom]="allowCustom">
this.selectedSport = this.sportdata.find(f=>f.sportname == e);
Hope, this gives a better understanding of what needs to be done.
Upvotes: 1