Reputation: 13
I have a array A = {-8,-5,0,-3,8,8,2,-2} ,i want to calculate minimum number of moves requires to make all elements of array 0 using array elements only,given the following condition--> element at index x can be moved directly to either x+1,x+2 position or x-1, x-2 position in a single move,after that move count will increase.
e.g. in array above minimum move will be 31 :
take another example for input array {-1,-1,0,1,1} ,optimal solution gives answer 3 as follows--> 1 from index 3 moves to index 1 in 1 move, then 1 from index 4 moves to index 0 in 2 moves , so total moves will be 3.
i tried writing code in c++ but dint get optimal solution ,also not able to cover all scenarios .
below is my code but not in working condition
int solution1(vector < int > & c) {
int alen = c.size();
if (alen == 0) return -1;
int move = 0;
int moved = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < alen; ++j) {
if (c[j] < 0) {
for (int k = j + 1; k < alen; ++k) {
moved = 0;
if (c[k] > 0) {
c[j] = 0 - c[j];
if (c[j] <= c[k]) {
c[k] = c[k] - c[j];
moved = c[j];
c[j] = 0;
} else {
c[j] = c[k] - c[j];
moved = c[k];
c[k] = 0;
if (k - j >= 2) {
if ((k - j) % 2)
move += ((k - j + 1) / 2) * moved;
move += ((k - j) / 2) * moved;
} else {
move += moved;
if (c[j] == 0) break;
} else if (c[j] > 0) {
for (int kk = j + 1; kk < alen; ++kk) {
moved = 0;
if (c[kk] < 0) {
c[kk] = 0 - c[kk];
if (c[j] <= c[kk]) {
c[kk] = c[j] - c[kk];
moved = c[j];
c[j] = 0;
} else {
c[j] = c[j] - c[kk];
moved = c[kk];
c[kk] = 0;
if (kk - j >= 2) {
move += ((kk - j) / 2) * moved;
} else {
move += moved;
if (c[j] == 0) break;
if (move > 0) return move;
else return -1;
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Views: 3169
Reputation: 1343
The given problem requires a constructive solution. Since the span of a move extends to (x - 2, x + 2) we maintain an overhead
array of size 2 which maintains the cost of moving elements as we go from i to (i + 1)th position for the even and odd indices. We iterate over the given array from left-to-right and calculate the cost of moving all the elements which are still left, to the left of the index i. Such a cost can be calculated using the overhead array (refer code below). If at any step there exists a possibility of cancelling out some negative integers with positive integers, we pick up those elements first which were going to cost us +1 if he had moved from i to (i + 1) in our next move for the neutralising process.
The point of observation is that if we keep moving an element at index x from left-to-right it'll only add to the cost of the moves at points (x + 1), (x + 3), (x + 5), ... and so on. Here's a running code for the same:
int solve(vector<int> v) {
vector<int> overhead(2,0);
int num_of_moves = 0, sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
num_of_moves += overhead[i % 2];
int left = abs(v[i]);
if((sum > 0 && v[i] < 0) || (sum < 0 && v[i] > 0)) {
int used = min(abs(sum), abs(v[i]));
int diff = min(overhead[(i + 1) % 2], used);
overhead[(i + 1) % 2] -= diff;
overhead[i % 2] -= min(overhead[i % 2], (used - diff));
left -= used;
sum += v[i];
overhead[(i + 1) % 2] += abs(left);
assert(sum == 0);
return num_of_moves;
The overall runtime complexity of the solution is O(n).
Upvotes: 1