Reputation: 1134
I have installed CouchDB (v2.2.0) on a Windows 7 Pro laptop. I have installed to the default C:\CouchDB location. Installation does not report any errors.
However when I try navigate to localhost:5984 to verify my installation, I receive a site unreachable error.
I have tried uninstalling, restarting and re-installing to no avail.
I'm hoping someone else has experienced the same and found a solution. I cannot find any guidance on the couchdb site. What follows is an extract of my couch.log file:
[info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.315000Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_log started on node couchdb@localhost [info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.334000Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- Application folsom started on node couchdb@localhost [info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.373000Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_stats started on node couchdb@localhost [info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.373000Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- Application khash started on node couchdb@localhost [info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.389000Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_event started on node couchdb@localhost [info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.405000Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- Application ibrowse started on node couchdb@localhost [info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.405000Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- Application ioq started on node couchdb@localhost [info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.405000Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- Application mochiweb started on node couchdb@localhost [info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.420000Z couchdb@localhost <0.198.0> -------- Apache CouchDB 2.1.2 is starting.
[info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.420000Z couchdb@localhost <0.199.0> -------- Starting couch_sup [error] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.420000Z couchdb@localhost <0.202.0> -------- CRASH REPORT Process (<0.202.0>) with 0 neighbors exited with reason: "The specified module could not be found." at gen_server:init_it/6(line:344) <= proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3(line:240); initial_call: {couch_drv,init,['Argument__1']}, ancestors: [couch_primary_services,couch_sup,<0.198.0>], messages: [], links: [<0.201.0>], dictionary: [], trap_exit: false, status: running, heap_size: 376, stack_size: 27, reductions: 125 [error] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.420000Z couchdb@localhost <0.198.0> -------- Error starting Apache CouchDB:
{error,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,couch_primary_services,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,collation_driver,"The specified module could not be found."}}}}}
[error] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.436000Z couchdb@localhost <0.201.0> -------- Supervisor couch_primary_services had child collation_driver started with couch_drv:start_link() at undefined exit with reason "The specified module could not be found." in context start_error [error] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.436000Z couchdb@localhost <0.199.0> -------- Supervisor couch_sup had child couch_primary_services started with couch_primary_sup:start_link() at undefined exit with reason {shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,collation_driver,"The specified module could not be found."}} in context start_error [error] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.436000Z couchdb@localhost <0.197.0> -------- CRASH REPORT Process (<0.197.0>) with 0 neighbors exited with reason: {{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,couch_primary_services,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,collation_driver,"The specified module could not be found."}}}},{couch_app,start,[normal,[]]}} at application_master:init/4(line:134) <= proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3(line:240); initial_call: {application_master,init,['Argument__1','Argument__2',...]}, ancestors: [<0.196.0>], messages: [{'EXIT',<0.198.0>,normal}], links: [<0.196.0>,<0.7.0>], dictionary: [], trap_exit: true, status: running, heap_size: 610, stack_size: 27, reductions: 139 [info] 2018-09-25T13:22:21.436000Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch exited with reason: {{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,couch_primary_services,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,collation_driver,"The specified module could not be found."}}}},{couch_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1825
Reputation: 61
You just need to remove MySQL entries from your PATH variable. Uninstalling MSQL is not necessary.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 36
I faced similar error in windows 8.1 for couchdb-2.2.0 , I got mine working after trying few of the steps mentioned in the below answers.
Although It seems like it has something to do with Mysql but I did not uninstall mysql. I think its not able to correctly parse the windows style path variable entries(having spaces).
Windows could not start the Apache CouchDB service on Local Computer
CouchDB fails to start after applying Windows 10 Creators Update
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1134
Herewith an answer to my own question:
The problem seems to be related to a MySQL 5.6 installation.
I suspected that there was a clash with the 2 apps because as soon as I installed couchDB, I'd get occassional errors reported in the MySQL service.
I uninstalled MySQL and reinstalled couch db and it runs with no issues now. I'll try install MySQL again and see if this happens again.
For now, this issue is resolved.
Upvotes: 0