
Reputation: 34119

How to create SPA with Elm 0.19?

I am trying to build a SPA with Elm and create three pages, that should show the content, depends on URL.

enter image description here

The content of these three pages are similar, for example Page.elm:

module Page.NotFound exposing (Msg(..), content)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)

---- UPDATE ----

type Msg
    = NotFoundMsg

content : Html Msg
content =
    p [] [ text "Sorry can not find page." ]

In the Main.elm, I have the following code:

module Main exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, main, update, view)

import API.Keycloak as Keycloak exposing (..)
import Browser
import Browser.Navigation as Nav
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Page.Account as Account
import Page.Home as Home
import Page.NotFound as NotFound
import Route
import Url
import Url.Parser exposing ((</>), Parser, int, map, oneOf, parse, s, string)

---- MODEL ----

type alias Model =
    { key : Nav.Key
    , url : Url.Url
    , auth : Result String Keycloak.Struct

init : Decode.Value -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags url key =
    ( Model key url (Keycloak.validate flags), Cmd.none )

---- ROUTE ----

type Route
    = Account

---- UPDATE ----

type Msg
    = PageNotFound NotFound.Msg
    | PageAccount Account.Msg
    | PageHome Home.Msg
    | LinkClicked Browser.UrlRequest
    | UrlChanged Url.Url

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        LinkClicked urlRequest ->
            case urlRequest of
                Browser.Internal url ->
                    ( model, Nav.pushUrl model.key (Url.toString url) )

                Browser.External href ->
                    ( model, Nav.load href )

        UrlChanged url ->
            ( { model | url = url }
            , Cmd.none


subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =

---- VIEW ----

info : Html Msg
info =
    header [] [ text "Header" ]

createLink : String -> Html Msg
createLink path =
    a [ href ("/" ++ path) ] [ text path ]

navigation : Html Msg
navigation =
    ul []
        [ li [] [ createLink "home" ]
        , li [] [ createLink "account" ]

content : Model -> Html Msg
content model =
    main_ []
        [ case parse Route.parser model.url of
            Just path ->
                matchedRoute path

            Nothing ->

matchedRoute : Route.Route -> Html Msg
matchedRoute path =
    case path of
        Route.Home ->

        Route.Account ->

body : Model -> List (Html Msg)
body model =
    [ info
    , navigation
    , content model

view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg
view model =
    { title = "Cockpit"
    , body = body model

---- PROGRAM ----

main : Program Decode.Value Model Msg
main =
        { init = init
        , view = view
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        , onUrlChange = UrlChanged
        , onUrlRequest = LinkClicked

The compiler complains:

-- TYPE MISMATCH -------------- /home/developer/Desktop/elm/cockpit/src/Main.elm

The 2nd branch of this `case` does not match all the previous branches:

104|         [ case parse Route.parser model.url of
105|             Just path ->
106|                 matchedRoute path
108|             Nothing ->
109|                 NotFound.content
This `content` value is a:

    Html NotFound.Msg

But all the previous branches result in:

    Html Msg

Hint: All branches in a `case` must produce the same type of values. This way,
no matter which branch we take, the result is always a consistent shape. Read
<> to learn how to “mix” types.

-- TYPE MISMATCH -------------- /home/developer/Desktop/elm/cockpit/src/Main.elm

Something is off with the 2nd branch of this `case` expression:

120|             Account.content
This `content` value is a:

    Html Account.Msg

But the type annotation on `matchedRoute` says it should be:

    Html Msg

-- TYPE MISMATCH -------------- /home/developer/Desktop/elm/cockpit/src/Main.elm

Something is off with the 1st branch of this `case` expression:

117|             Home.content
This `content` value is a:

    Html Home.Msg

But the type annotation on `matchedRoute` says it should be:

    Html Msg
Detected errors in 1 module.

I know that the type is wrong, but do not know, how to prove it.

How can I get it to work?

I also looked at the example from but could not figure, how does it work.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1336

Answers (2)


Reputation: 29146

The problem is that the Msg type referred to by NotFound.content is NotFound.Msg, the Msg type referred to by Main.matchedRoute is Main.Msg, and these do not unify automatically. So when you use these in different branches of a case expression, the compiler will tell you they are different and can't be unified into a single type for the case expression to return.

So you have to convert one to the other, and the usual way to do that is to add a variant to the "outer" msg type (Main.Msg) that wraps the "inner" msg type (NotFound.Msg). Fortunately you've already added that variant as PageNotFound NotFound.Msg, so we can move on.

The next step is to do the wrapping of NotFound.Msgs in PageNotFounds. Unfortunately, we rarely get to handle values of NotFound.Msg alone, it's usually wrapped in some other type like Html or Cmd, which is trickier to deal with. Fortunately, Evan was foreknowing enough to predict this scenario and added and for us to use. Just like and, and takes a function a -> b and uses it to convert Html as or Cmd as to Html bs or Cmd bs respectively.

So, all you really need to do here is use with PageNotFound on NotFound.content:

content : Model -> Html Msg
content model =
    main_ []
        [ case parse Route.parser model.url of
            Just path ->
                matchedRoute path

            Nothing ->
                NotFound.content |> PageNotFound

Both branches will now return Main.Msg and the compiler should be happy :)

And btw, in elm-spa-example, this is being done here

Upvotes: 1

Emmanuel Rosa
Emmanuel Rosa

Reputation: 9885

You have multiple Msg types, which is OK, but it can lead to confusion. In short: Main.Msg is not the same type as NotFound.Msg.

The function matchedRoute returns a Html Main.Msg while the function NotFound.content returns a Html NotFound.Msg; completely different types.

You're already 99% of the way there because you have a PageNotFound NotFound.Msg type constructor which produces a Main.Msg. This allows you to wrap the NotFound.Msg in a Main.Msg. It should be a matter of doing PageNotFound NotFound.content in your Nothing -> branch.

Upvotes: 2

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