Reputation: 2605
I am trying to analyze a network by measuring Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio and Network Lifetime using TelosB. I am using TinyOS-2.1.1 for simulating and programming. As a base code, I am using the that comes with the OS.
I have done a few modifications to obtain the data, but the output I get is buggy. The output shows that only 1 node, the root is transmitting and receiving, while the rest remains idle.
#include <Timer.h>
#include "TestNetwork.h"
#include "CtpDebugMsg.h"
module TestNetworkC {
uses interface Boot;
uses interface SplitControl as RadioControl;
uses interface SplitControl as SerialControl;
uses interface StdControl as RoutingControl;
uses interface StdControl as DisseminationControl;
uses interface DisseminationValue<uint32_t> as DisseminationPeriod;
uses interface Send;
uses interface Leds;
uses interface Read<uint16_t> as ReadSensor;
uses interface Timer<TMilli>;
uses interface Timer<TMilli> as Timer1;
uses interface RootControl;
uses interface Receive;
uses interface AMSend as UARTSend;
uses interface CollectionPacket;
uses interface CtpInfo;
uses interface CtpCongestion;
uses interface Random;
uses interface Queue<message_t*>;
uses interface Pool<message_t>;
uses interface CollectionDebug;
uses interface AMPacket;
uses interface Packet as RadioPacket;
implementation {
task void uartEchoTask();
message_t packet;
message_t uartpacket;
message_t* recvPtr = &uartpacket;
uint8_t msglen;
uint8_t msgsuccess;
uint8_t msgfail;
uint8_t totmsg;
uint8_t sendpkt;
uint8_t pkts;
uint8_t recpkt;
uint8_t battery = 100;
bool sendBusy = FALSE;
bool uartbusy = FALSE;
bool firstTimer = TRUE;
bool measurebat = TRUE;
uint16_t seqno;
enum {
event void ReadSensor.readDone(error_t err, uint16_t val) { }
event void Boot.booted() {
dbg("App", "Booted at %s.\n", sim_time_string());
call SerialControl.start();
call Timer1.startPeriodic( 5000 );
event void Timer1.fired()
//dbg("App", "Battery at @ %s is %d.\n", sim_time_string(), battery);
dbg("App", "Sent: %d\nRec: %d\nSuc: %d\nFail:%d\nFailed: %d", sendpkt, recpkt, msgsuccess, msgfail, pkts);
event void SerialControl.startDone(error_t err) {
call RadioControl.start();
dbg("App", "Radio on %s.\n", sim_time_string());
event void RadioControl.startDone(error_t err) {
if (err != SUCCESS) {
call RadioControl.start();
else {
call DisseminationControl.start();
call RoutingControl.start();
if (TOS_NODE_ID % 500 == 0) {
dbg("App", "Root Node %d.\n", TOS_NODE_ID);
call RootControl.setRoot();
seqno = 0;
call Timer.startOneShot(call Random.rand16() & 0x1ff);
event void RadioControl.stopDone(error_t err) {
dbg("App", "Radio Stopped at %s.\n", sim_time_string());
event void SerialControl.stopDone(error_t err) {}
void failedSend() {
dbg("App", "%s: Send failed.\n", __FUNCTION__);
call CollectionDebug.logEvent(NET_C_DBG_1);
void sendMessage() {
TestNetworkMsg* msg = (TestNetworkMsg*)call Send.getPayload(&packet, sizeof(TestNetworkMsg));
uint16_t metric;
am_addr_t parent = 0;
call CtpInfo.getParent(&parent);
call CtpInfo.getEtx(&metric);
msg->source = TOS_NODE_ID;
msg->seqno = seqno;
msg->data = 0xCAFE;
msg->parent = parent;
msg->hopcount = 0;
msg->metric = metric;
msg->powerCount = battery;
battery = battery - 2;
if (call Send.send(&packet, sizeof(TestNetworkMsg)) != SUCCESS) {
call Leds.led0On();
dbg("TestNetworkC", "%s: Transmission failed.\n", __FUNCTION__);
else {
sendBusy = TRUE;
dbg("TestNetworkC", "%s: Transmission succeeded.\n", __FUNCTION__);
if(msg->powerCount <= 0){
//call RadioControl.stop();
event void Timer.fired() {
uint32_t nextInt;
dbg("TestNetworkC", "TestNetworkC: Timer fired.\n");
nextInt = call Random.rand32() % SEND_INTERVAL;
nextInt += SEND_INTERVAL >> 1;
call Timer.startOneShot(nextInt);
if (!sendBusy)
event void Send.sendDone(message_t* m, error_t err) {
if (err != SUCCESS) {
call Leds.led0On();
sendBusy = FALSE;
dbg("TestNetworkC", "Send completed.\n");
event void DisseminationPeriod.changed() {
const uint32_t* newVal = call DisseminationPeriod.get();
call Timer.stop();
call Timer.startPeriodic(*newVal);
uint8_t prevSeq = 0;
uint8_t firstMsg = 0;
event message_t*
Receive.receive(message_t* msg, void* payload, uint8_t len) {
dbg("TestNetworkCrec", "Received packet at %s from node %hhu with seq no %hhu.\n", sim_time_string(), call CollectionPacket.getOrigin(msg), call CollectionPacket.getSequenceNumber(msg));
call Leds.led1Toggle();
if (call CollectionPacket.getOrigin(msg) == 1) {
if (firstMsg == 1) {
if (call CollectionPacket.getSequenceNumber(msg) - prevSeq > 1) {
call Leds.led2On();
} else {
firstMsg = 1;
prevSeq = call CollectionPacket.getSequenceNumber(msg);
if (!call Pool.empty() && call Queue.size() < call Queue.maxSize()) {
message_t* tmp = call Pool.get();
call Queue.enqueue(msg);
if (!uartbusy) {
post uartEchoTask();
return tmp;
return msg;
task void uartEchoTask() {
dbg("Traffic", "Sending packet to UART.\n");
if (call Queue.empty()) {
else if (!uartbusy) {
message_t* msg = call Queue.dequeue();
dbg("Traffic", "Sending packet to UART.\n");
if (call UARTSend.send(0xffff, msg, call RadioPacket.payloadLength(msg)) == SUCCESS) {
uartbusy = TRUE;
else {
call CollectionDebug.logEventMsg(NET_C_DBG_2,
call CollectionPacket.getSequenceNumber(msg),
call CollectionPacket.getOrigin(msg),
call AMPacket.destination(msg));
event void UARTSend.sendDone(message_t *msg, error_t error) {
dbg("Traffic", "UART send done.\n");
uartbusy = FALSE;
call Pool.put(msg);
if (!call Queue.empty()) {
post uartEchoTask();
else {
// call CtpCongestion.setClientCongested(FALSE);
/* Default implementations for CollectionDebug calls.
* These allow CollectionDebug not to be wired to anything if debugging
* is not desired. */
default command error_t CollectionDebug.logEvent(uint8_t type) {
return SUCCESS;
default command error_t CollectionDebug.logEventSimple(uint8_t type, uint16_t arg) {
return SUCCESS;
default command error_t CollectionDebug.logEventDbg(uint8_t type, uint16_t arg1, uint16_t arg2, uint16_t arg3) {
return SUCCESS;
default command error_t CollectionDebug.logEventMsg(uint8_t type, uint16_t msg, am_addr_t origin, am_addr_t node) {
return SUCCESS;
default command error_t CollectionDebug.logEventRoute(uint8_t type, am_addr_t parent, uint8_t hopcount, uint16_t metric) {
return SUCCESS;
The Python code I am using to simulate is
from TOSSIM import *
from tinyos.tossim.TossimApp import *
from random import *
import sys
#n = NescApp("TestNetwork", "app.xml")
#t = Tossim(n.variables.variables())
t = Tossim([])
r =
f = open("sparse-grid.txt", "r")
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
s = line.split()
if (len(s) > 0):
if s[0] == "gain":
r.add(int(s[1]), int(s[2]), float(s[3]))
noise = open("meyer-short.txt", "r")
lines = noise.readlines()
for line in lines:
str = line.strip()
if (str != ""):
val = int(str)
for i in range(0, 10):
m = t.getNode(i);
for i in range(0, 10):
m = t.getNode(i);
time = randint(t.ticksPerSecond(), 15* t.ticksPerSecond())
print "Booting ", i, " at time ", time
print "Starting simulation."
#t.addChannel("AM", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("TreeRouting", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("TestNetworkC", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("Route", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("PointerBug", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("QueueC", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("Gain", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("Forwarder", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("TestNetworkC", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("TestNetworkCrec", sys.stdout)
t.addChannel("App", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("Traffic", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("Acks", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("TreeRoutingCtl", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("LI", sys.stdout)
#t.addChannel("rept", sys.stdout)
while (t.time() < 1000 * t.ticksPerSecond()):
print "Completed simulation."
The output I am getting is
DEBUG (1): Sent: 1 Rec: 0 Suc: 0 Fail:0 Failed: 0
for all the nodes except for the root i.e node 0:
DEBUG (0): Sent: 115 Rec: 115 Suc: 115 Fail:0 Failed: 0
Ideally, there should be failed messages, which doesn't happen here.
The question is why is it only the root node that is both sending and receiving. How can I measure throughput, PDR and Network Lifetime in this setup?
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