Reputation: 4151
I have the following object and trying to access its properties.
However I am getting the error.
Here's my code:
export default class TweetsList extends Component {
var tweet_id ="id=")[1];
console.log(tweet_id, 'tweet id');
method: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost:4444/fetchSingleTweet',
tweet_id: tweet_id,
token: localStorage.getItem('token')
let tweet = this.state.tweet;
<div class="card">
I can access tweet.user
but not
or any of user
properties inside render
I consoled the object and it looks like:
created_at: "Tue Oct 02 09:06:45 +0000 2018", id: 1047050242053627900,
id_str: "1047050242053627904", text: "RT @CharlesPPierce: When Worlds Collide.↵Over the …I learned that the guy who cut Brett Kavanaugh f…", truncated: false, …}
created_at: "Tue Oct 02 09:06:45 +0000 2018"
entities: {hashtags: Array(0), symbols: Array(0), user_mentions: Array(1), urls: Array(0)}
favorite_count: 0
favorited: true
geo: null
id: 1047050242053627900
id_str: "1047050242053627904"
in_reply_to_screen_name: null
in_reply_to_status_id: null
in_reply_to_status_id_str: null
in_reply_to_user_id: null
in_reply_to_user_id_str: null
is_quote_status: false
lang: "en"
place: null
retweet_count: 28
retweeted: false
retweeted_status: {created_at: "Mon Oct 01 12:19:08 +0000 2018", id: 1046736268418256900, id_str: "1046736268418256896", text: "When Worlds Collide.↵Over the weekend, thanks to Y…uy who cut Brett Kavanau…", truncated: true, …}
source: "<a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPad</a>"
text: "RT @CharlesPPierce: When Worlds Collide.↵Over the weekend, thanks to Yahoo!'s Pete Thamel, I learned that the guy who cut Brett Kavanaugh f…"
truncated: false
user: {id: 938841256507183100, id_str: "938841256507183105", name: "Irene Kenneth", screen_name: "IreneKenneth3", location: "", …}
__proto__: Object
Also, here's the expanded view of user
"id": 736476636015530000,
"id_str": "736476636015529987",
"name": "NepalaYak",
"screen_name": "NepalaYak",
"location": "Kathmandu, Nepal",
"description": "Treks & Tours Company. Let's discover #Nepal with #Nepalayak",
"url": "some_url",
"entities": {
"url": {
"urls": [
"url": "some_urlr",
"expanded_url": "",
"display_url": "",
"indices": [
"description": {
"urls": []
"protected": false,
"followers_count": 198,
"friends_count": 95,
"listed_count": 3,
"created_at": "Sat May 28 08:38:07 +0000 2016",
"favourites_count": 40,
"utc_offset": null,
"time_zone": null,
"geo_enabled": false,
"verified": false,
"statuses_count": 368,
"lang": "en",
"contributors_enabled": false,
"is_translator": false,
"is_translation_enabled": false,
"profile_background_color": "000000",
"profile_background_image_url": "",
"profile_background_image_url_https": "",
"profile_background_tile": false,
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_image_url_https": "",
"profile_banner_url": "",
"profile_link_color": "9B0103",
"profile_sidebar_border_color": "000000",
"profile_sidebar_fill_color": "000000",
"profile_text_color": "000000",
"profile_use_background_image": false,
"has_extended_profile": false,
"default_profile": false,
"default_profile_image": false,
"following": false,
"follow_request_sent": false,
"notifications": false,
"translator_type": "none"
What is causing this error I'm not sure.
How can I access properties of the object?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 429
Reputation: 2148
You can use object.item
, notice in example one its within an array, so you would specify the first array with obj[0]
then use obj[0].item
dot notation.
For me to give you exactly what you are looking for, you would need to copy the full JSON object from start of the brackets { }
. or start and end of array []
. This one isn't valid, assuming you didn't copy the full thing. You can use a JSON beautifier to view the tree easier.
If your object has "item" you use obj.item
(dot notation) else use obj["item"]
. Notice the quotation marks.
var obj = [
"one": "1",
"two": "2",
"nested": {
"nested-one": "nested-1"
var obj2 = {
"example_two": "example-2"
var yours = {
item: {
name: "example"
// Your case
So you take those priceables in your JSON object and then use {obj.entry['item']}
Upvotes: 1