Reputation: 399
I have a convoluted toy algorithm I wish to represent purely at the typelevel: that of selecting a modification for a dish of the day based on a dietary requirement. Apologies for the convolution but I think we need each layer in order to get to the final interface I want to work with.
There's a problem with my code, where if we express a type constraint on an Aux
-pattern-generated type based on another generic type, it fails type inference.
These are the meals, in reality there would be many varieties of pizza and many base meals:
trait Pizza
trait CheeselessPizza extends Pizza
Dietary requirements:
sealed trait DietaryRequirement
trait Vegan extends DietaryRequirement
A dish of the day typeclass:
sealed trait DishOfTheDay[Meal]
object DishOfTheDay {
implicit val dishOfTheDay: DishOfTheDay[Pizza] = null
This would change meal every day, independently of the rest of the program.
A ModifiedMeal typeclass, which takes a meal and a dietary requirement and generates a submeal that satisfies the requirements. The subtyping is important here:
// <: Meal is important
sealed trait ModifiedMeal[Meal, D <: DietaryRequirement] { type Mod <: Meal }
object ModifiedMeal {
type Aux[Meal, D <: DietaryRequirement, Mod0 <: Meal] = ModifiedMeal[Meal, D] { type Mod = Mod0 }
// Only one instance so far, Vegan Pizza = CheeselessPizza
implicit val veganPizzaModifiedMeal: ModifiedMeal.Aux[Pizza, Vegan, CheeselessPizza] = null
And here's our final typeclass which does the calculation for us:
// Given a dietary requirement, give us a dish of the day which satisfies it
// if one exists
trait DishOfTheDayModification[Req <: DietaryRequirement] { type Out }
object DishOfTheDayModification {
type Aux[Req <: DietaryRequirement, Out0] = DishOfTheDayModification[Req] { type Out = Out0 }
// Find the dish of the day, then find a ModifiedMeal of it
// <: Meal is important here so we pick up ONLY pizzas and not some other meal
implicit def dishOfTheDayModification[Meal, Req <: DietaryRequirement, Mod <: Meal](
implicit d: DishOfTheDay[Meal],
impl: ModifiedMeal.Aux[Meal, Req, Mod]
): DishOfTheDayModification.Aux[Req, Mod] = null
And here is the testing:
object MealTesting {
def veganDishOfTheDay[Mod](implicit d: DishOfTheDayModification.Aux[Vegan, Mod]): Mod = ???
// Does not compile but it should
veganDishOfTheDay: CheeselessPizza
The problem is calling this method does not compile, but it should.
If you copy the entire program but remove the <: Meal
requirements from the generated meal, it compiles. Here is the whole thing again, but 'working':
trait Pizza
trait CheeselessPizza extends Pizza
sealed trait DietaryRequirement
trait Vegan extends DietaryRequirement
sealed trait DishOfTheDay[Meal]
object DishOfTheDay {
implicit val dishOfTheDay: DishOfTheDay[Pizza] = null
sealed trait ModifiedMeal[Meal, D <: DietaryRequirement] { type Mod }
object ModifiedMeal {
type Aux[Meal, D <: DietaryRequirement, Mod0] = ModifiedMeal[Meal, D] { type Mod = Mod0 }
implicit val veganPizzaModifiedMeal: ModifiedMeal.Aux[Pizza, Vegan, CheeselessPizza] = null
trait DishOfTheDayModification[Req <: DietaryRequirement] { type Out }
object DishOfTheDayModification {
type Aux[Req <: DietaryRequirement, Out0] = DishOfTheDayModification[Req] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def dishOfTheDayModification[Meal, Req <: DietaryRequirement, Mod](
implicit d: DishOfTheDay[Meal],
impl: ModifiedMeal.Aux[Meal, Req, Mod]
): DishOfTheDayModification.Aux[Req, Mod] = null
object MealTesting {
def veganDishOfTheDay[Mod](implicit d: DishOfTheDayModification.Aux[Vegan, Mod]): Mod = ???
// DOES compile
veganDishOfTheDay: CheeselessPizza
But we don't want this, because it allows us to generate dishes which AREN'T a subtype of the dish of the day.
Does anyone know why the inheritance in the Aux
pattern causes the failure, or how I might structure the program with intermediate implicits to try and get around the problem?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 273
Reputation: 121
Your original approach was very close to not having an issue, and only needs a minor adjustment in the 1 dishOfTheDayModification
signature for it to compile successfully using Scala v2.12.
For reference, in the original DishOfTheDayModification
object definition was this:
// Find the dish of the day, then find a ModifiedMeal of it
// <: Meal is important here so we pick up ONLY pizzas and not some other meal
implicit def dishOfTheDayModification[Meal, Req <: DietaryRequirement, Mod <: Meal](
// vvvvvv - Here's the problem
d: DishOfTheDay[Meal],
impl: ModifiedMeal.Aux[Meal, Req, Mod]
): DishOfTheDayModification.Aux[Req, Mod] = null
Switching the order to instead be:
implicit def dishOfTheDayModification[Meal, Req <: DietaryRequirement, Mod <: Meal](
impl: ModifiedMeal.Aux[Meal, Req, Mod],
d: DishOfTheDay[Meal]
): DishOfTheDayModification.Aux[Req, Mod] = null
Allows the compiler to unify Meal
and Mod
successfully for impl
before resolving d
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Reputation: 51703
Try to replace bound on generic with evidence:
trait Pizza
trait CheeselessPizza extends Pizza
sealed trait DietaryRequirement
trait Vegan extends DietaryRequirement
sealed trait DishOfTheDay[Meal]
object DishOfTheDay {
implicit val dishOfTheDay: DishOfTheDay[Pizza] = null
sealed trait ModifiedMeal[Meal, D <: DietaryRequirement] { type Mod <: Meal }
object ModifiedMeal {
type Aux[Meal, D <: DietaryRequirement, Mod0 /*<: Meal*/] = ModifiedMeal[Meal, D] { type Mod = Mod0 }
//implicit val veganPizzaModifiedMeal: ModifiedMeal.Aux[Pizza, Vegan, CheeselessPizza] = null
def mkAux[Meal, D <: DietaryRequirement, Mod](implicit ev: Mod <:< Meal): Aux[Meal, D, Mod] = null
implicit val veganPizzaModifiedMeal: ModifiedMeal.Aux[Pizza, Vegan, CheeselessPizza] = mkAux
trait DishOfTheDayModification[Req <: DietaryRequirement] { type Out }
object DishOfTheDayModification {
type Aux[Req <: DietaryRequirement, Out0] = DishOfTheDayModification[Req] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def dishOfTheDayModification[Meal, Req <: DietaryRequirement, Mod /*<: Meal*/](implicit
d: DishOfTheDay[Meal],
impl: ModifiedMeal.Aux[Meal, Req, Mod],
ev: Mod <:< Meal
): DishOfTheDayModification.Aux[Req, Mod] = null
object MealTesting {
def veganDishOfTheDay[Mod](implicit d: DishOfTheDayModification.Aux[Vegan, Mod]): Mod = ???
veganDishOfTheDay: CheeselessPizza
Upvotes: 2