Reputation: 35
Here is my python code for a viz of train fares, time to London and time to a Stableyard. For some reason, there is an extra item labelled "ticket" within the plot legend. What is this and how do I get rid of it?
Also when I try and include the title_fontsize param, I get thrown:
__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'title_fontsize'
How would I go about changing the size of the legend title?
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
flat_data = pd.read_csv("C:/BLAHBALHBLAH/flats.csv")
X = flat_data["commute"]
Y = flat_data["ticket"]
size = 180 * flat_data["stables"]
names = list(flat_data["location"])
plt.scatter(X,Y,s=size, alpha=0.4,cmap="bone",c="r")
plt.xlabel("Time to London (mins)")
plt.ylabel("Cost of Season Ticket (£)")
for index, name in enumerate(names):
plt.annotate(name, (X[index]-len(name)/6, Y[index]),size=15)
for time in [7,36]:
plt.scatter([], [], c='r', alpha=0.4, s=180*time, label=str(time) + ' mins')
plt.legend(frameon=False, labelspacing=4, title='Time to Stables', handletextpad =3,fontsize="x-large")
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Views: 4910
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About your extra legend, you should suppress the legend entry from your first call to scatter()
plt.scatter(X,Y,s=size, alpha=0.4,cmap="bone",c="r", label=None) # or label=""
Upvotes: 1