Reputation: 21
I'm using RobotFramework with Selenium library for writing automated test cases for various websites. I've encountered an issue where due to slow loading from third-party URLs, some pages take forever to load and I want to block them to speed up test execution.
However, I am stuck on implementing that solution via BrowserMob in Robot Framework. Can anyone help?
So far, I have this code:
Start Browser
## Init BrowserMob Proxy
${BMPATH} Join Path ${EXECDIR} browsermob-proxy-2.1.4 bin browsermob-proxy.bat
&{bmphost} Create Dictionary address= port=7070
Start Local Server ${BMPATH}
# Create dedicated proxy on BrowserMob Proxy
&{host} Create Dictionary address= port=7070
${BrowserMob_Proxy}= Create Proxy ${host}
#Blacklist URLS
Blacklist https://.*\\* 404
## Configure Webdriver to use BrowserMob Proxy
${options}= Evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions() sys, selenium.webdriver
Call Method ${options} add_argument --proxy\=
#${proxy1}= Evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].Proxy() sys, selenium.webdriver
#${proxy1.http_proxy}= Set Variable localhost:8888
Create WebDriver Chrome chrome_options=${options} #proxy=${BrowserMob_Proxy}
Go to
The goal was to translate this selenium/java code:
private WebDriver initializeDriver() throws Exception {
// Start the server and get the selenium proxy object
ProxyServer server = new ProxyServer(proxy_port); // package net.lightbody.bmp.proxy
// Blacklist google analytics
server.blacklistRequests("https?://.*\\.google-analytics\\.com/.*", 410);
// Or whitelist what you need
server.whitelistRequests("https?://*.**. https://*.*.someOtherYourSite.*".split(","), 200);
Proxy proxy = server.seleniumProxy(); // Proxy is package org.openqa.selenium.Proxy
// configure it as a desired capability
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, proxy);
// start the driver ;
Webdriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(capabilities);
return driver;
The code I have now, creates the server, the proxy and opens the chrome browser but fails to blacklist and opens the page anyway. Tried multiple regexp expressions, all failed but I think that the error is made somewhere before that, either in the way of creating the proxy/server or the way to blacklist URL is not right.
Has anyone had success implementing this solution in RF? Can someone tell me what I'm missing?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1633
Reputation: 21
For anyone who might need this, the solution is below:
Start Browser
[Documentation] Start browser
Set Selenium Implicit Wait 10
${BMPATH} Join Path ${EXECDIR} browsermob-proxy-2.1.4 bin browsermob-proxy.bat
Start Local Server ${BMPATH}
## Create dedicated proxy on BrowserMob Proxy
&{host} Create Dictionary port=7070
${BrowserMob_Proxy}= Create Proxy ${host}
Blacklist .*\/\/.*google.* 200
## Configure Webdriver to use BrowserMob Proxy
${options}= Evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions() sys, selenium.webdriver
Call Method ${options} add_argument --start-maximized
Call Method ${options} add_argument --proxy-server\=localhost:7070
Create WebDriver Chrome chrome_options=${options}
This will start the chrome browser maximized and route traffic via BMP. The regex in the Blacklist line means it will block all URL containing 'google' and return status 200 (this can be changed at your will).
Upvotes: 1