Reputation: 43
I have 3 functions:
The problem is, my functions read values from exact cells and place the calculated values into exact cells, which means I can't repeat the calculations for every row below.
See this screenshot:
This is my code:
Option Explicit
Const KgRate As Double = 0.45359237 'number of kg in one pound
Const PoundsInStone As Integer = 14 'number of pounds in one stone
Const InchesInFeet As Integer = 12 'number of inches in one foot
Const CmsInInch As Double = 2.54 'number of centimetres in an inch
Public weightInKilograms As Double
Public finalHeight As Double
**' FUNCTION 1**
Public Function heightInMetres()
Dim numberOfFeet As Integer
Dim numberOfInches As Integer
Dim heightInInches As Integer
Dim heightInCms As Integer
numberOfFeet = Range("C4").Value
numberOfInches = Range("C5").Value
heightInInches = (numberOfFeet * InchesInFeet) + (numberOfInches)
heightInCms = heightInInches * CmsInInch
finalHeight = heightInCms / 100
Range("C7") = finalHeight
End Function
**' FUNCTION 2**
Public Function weightInKilos()
Dim stonesEntered As Integer
Dim poundsEntered As Double
Dim stonesToPounds As Double
stonesEntered = Range("C10").Value
poundsEntered = Range("D10").Value
stonesToPounds = stonesEntered * PoundsInStone
weightInKilograms = ((stonesToPounds + poundsEntered) * KgRate)
Range("E10") = weightInKilograms
End Function
**' FUNCTION 3**
Public Function calculateBMI()
Dim BMI As Double
BMI = weightInKilograms / (finalHeight ^ 2)
Range("F10") = BMI
End Function
Public Sub BMICalculator()
End Sub
1) What is the simplest way to repeat the weight and BMI calculations for the 3 rows below week 1 (which is row 10 in Excel)?
2) Is it possible to (simply) run the code continuously, e.g. as soon as I update the height and weight cells, the calculations are redone?
3) If there are any (simple) enhancements to the code you can suggest, please do. :-)
Thanks in advance,
Upvotes: 1
Views: 184
Reputation: 12289
I've changed one of your functions here, if you can follow it you should have no problem converting the others:
Public Function heightInMetres(numberOfFeet As Integer, numberOfInches As Integer)
Dim heightInInches As Integer
Dim heightInCms As Integer
heightInInches = (numberOfFeet * InchesInFeet) + (numberOfInches)
heightInCms = heightInInches * CmsInInch
finalHeight = heightInCms / 100
heightInMetres = finalHeight
End Function
So now, just enter the following into the cell eg. C7:
Where the number of feet are in C4 and inches in C5 (in your example)
Upvotes: 3