
Reputation: 515

Create several new columns combining old ones by name

Suppose I have a data.frame or tibble. This object has several columns. Some columns are (A, B, C) are means, and other columns are standard deviations (A.sd, B.sd, C.sd).

df <- 
    A.sd=c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1),
    B.sd=c(2.1, 5.2, 5.1),
    C.sd=c(1.3, 0.7, 4.5)

Now I want to calculate, the coefficient of variation (sd/mean) (this would be df$A.cv = df$A.sd/df$A, and so on). I could do it one by one. But I would like to know if maybe the tidyverse provides a more automatic way to do this. Some way to match the "mean" columns with the "sd" columns to calculate the "cv" columns.

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Views: 154

Answers (10)


Reputation: 47320

using tidyverse and split.default :

df %>% 
  split.default(substr(names(.),1,1)) %>%
  map_dfc(~mutate(., !!paste0(names(.)[1],".cv") := .[[2]]/.[[1]]))
#   A A.sd       A.cv  B B.sd  B.cv  C C.sd       C.cv
# 1 1  0.3 0.30000000 20  2.1 0.105 14  1.3 0.09285714
# 2 2  0.2 0.10000000  2  5.2 2.600 26  0.7 0.02692308
# 3 3  0.1 0.03333333 34  5.1 0.150 13  4.5 0.34615385
  • The first line splits into 3 data frames depending on 1st character.
  • The second line defines a new column called paste0(names(.)[1],".cv") (A.cv etc) for each data frame and binds everything together.

In base R :

df_list <- unname(split.default(df,substr(names(df),1,1)))
add_cv  <- function(x) `[[<-`(x, paste0(names(x)[1], ".cv"), value = x[[2]] / x[[1]])
do.call(cbind, lapply(df_list, add_cv))
#   A A.sd       A.cv  B B.sd  B.cv  C C.sd       C.cv
# 1 1  0.3 0.30000000 20  2.1 0.105 14  1.3 0.09285714
# 2 2  0.2 0.10000000  2  5.2 2.600 26  0.7 0.02692308
# 3 3  0.1 0.03333333 34  5.1 0.150 13  4.5 0.34615385

base R again splitting differently :

df_list <- split.default(df, endsWith(names(df),".sd"))
cbind(df, setNames(df_list[[2]] / df_list[[1]], paste0(names(df_list[[1]]), ".cv")))
#   A A.sd  B B.sd  C C.sd       A.cv  B.cv       C.cv
# 1 1  0.3 20  2.1 14  1.3 0.30000000 0.105 0.09285714
# 2 2  0.2  2  5.2 26  0.7 0.10000000 2.600 0.02692308
# 3 3  0.1 34  5.1 13  4.5 0.03333333 0.150 0.34615385

Upvotes: 1

Andre Elrico
Andre Elrico

Reputation: 11480

Simply do:

IND <- rep(seq(1:(ncol(df1)/2)),each=2)

df1[paste0(names(df1)[!duplicated(IND,F)], ".cv")] <- lapply(split(as.data.frame(t(df1)), IND), function(x)c(t(x)[,2]/t(x)[,1]))

#  A A.sd  B B.sd  C C.sd       A.cv  B.cv       C.cv
#1 1  0.3 20  2.1 14  1.3 0.30000000 0.105 0.09285714
#2 2  0.2  2  5.2 26  0.7 0.10000000 2.600 0.02692308
#3 3  0.1 34  5.1 13  4.5 0.03333333 0.150 0.34615385

please note:

  • Base solution - no third party package needed.
  • Is general when the column order is as given.

If you want to be dependant on the names, you can use a simple for loop:

# name_vec <- LETTERS[1:3]
name_vec <- names(df1)[grepl("^[^.]+$",names(df1))]

for( name_el in name_vec) {
    df1[paste0(name_el, ".cv")] <- df1[[paste0(name_el, ".sd")]]/df1[[name_el]]

Upvotes: 0

Maurits Evers
Maurits Evers

Reputation: 50678

A canonical & parsimonious approach would be to reshape from wide to long, calculate the CVs and reshape again from long to wide (if necessary).

df %>%
    rowid_to_column("row") %>%
    gather(key, value, -row) %>%
    mutate(key = str_replace(key, "^([A-Z])$", "\\1.mean")) %>%
    separate(key, c("var", "col")) %>%
    spread(col, value) %>%
    transmute(row, var = paste0(var, ".cv"), cv = sd / mean) %>%
    spread(var, cv)
#  row       A.cv  B.cv       C.cv
#1   1 0.30000000 0.105 0.09285714
#2   2 0.10000000 2.600 0.02692308
#3   3 0.03333333 0.150 0.34615385

This approach is also independent of the order the mean/sd columns are in.


df %>%
    rowid_to_column("row") %>%
    gather(key, value, -row) %>%
    mutate(key = str_replace(key, "^([A-Z])$", "\\1.mean")) %>%
    separate(key, c("var", "col")) %>%
    spread(col, value) %>%
    transmute(row, var = paste0(var, ".cv"), cv = sd / mean) %>%
    spread(var, cv) %>% 
    bind_cols(df, .) %>% 

That way the result is in the same data frame and without the "row" column.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 4989

> cv
        A.cv  B.cv       C.cv
1 0.30000000 0.105 0.09285714
2 0.10000000 2.600 0.02692308
3 0.03333333 0.150 0.34615385


Obviously super-hacky and lots of room for optimization, but probably achieves your goal.

cv <- data.frame()
counter <- 0

for (i in 1:ncol(df))(
    if (grepl("sd$", colnames(df)[i]) == TRUE){
        counter <- counter + 1
        for (j in 1:nrow(df))(
            cv[j, counter] <- df[j, i]/df[j, i-1]
        names(cv)[counter] <- paste0(colnames(df)[i-1],".cv")

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 3926

You can do something like this:

df  %<>%  mutate(A.cv=A.sd/A,

A better solution is posed below.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 26343

You could split your data column-wise (split.default) by the first letter of names(df) and then use imap to generate the cv column.

split.default(df, f = substr(names(df), 1, 1)) %>% 
  imap(.x = ., ~ mutate(., cv = .x[, paste0(.y, ".sd")] / .x[, .y])) %>% 
  imap(., ~ set_names(., nm = paste0(.y, c("", ".sd", ".cv")))) %>% # rename the columns
#  A A.sd       A.cv  B B.sd  B.cv  C C.sd       C.cv
#1 1  0.3 0.30000000 20  2.1 0.105 14  1.3 0.09285714
#2 2  0.2 0.10000000  2  5.2 2.600 26  0.7 0.02692308
#3 3  0.1 0.03333333 34  5.1 0.150 13  4.5 0.34615385

imap is handy here because it lets you iterate of the list and over the names of that list (the .y in the code) easily.

The second imap call is needed here because strangly this gives an error

split.default(df, f = substr(names(df), 1, 1)) %>%
 imap(.x = ., ~ mutate(., paste0(.y, ".cv") = .x[, paste0(.y, ".sd")] / .x[, .y]))

Same idea but in base R

lst <- split.default(df, f = substr(names(df), 1, 1))
Reduce(cbind, Map(
  function(x, y)
    `[<-`(x, paste0(y, ".cv"), value = x[, paste0(y, ".sd")] / x[, y]),
  x = lst,
  y = names(lst)

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 26

I suggest the following transformations:

df %>%
    # Adding counter
    mutate(n = 1:n()) %>% 
    # Converting to long format
    gather("key", "value", -n) %>% 
    # Adding variable that distinguishes SD and mean
    mutate(type = ifelse(grepl("\\.sd$", key), "SD", "mean"),
           item = sub("(\\w).*", "\\1", key), # A, B, or C
           case = paste(item, n)) %>% # e.g., A 1, B 2, etc.
    select(n, value, type, case) %>% 
    # Conversion back to wide format
    spread("type", "value") %>% 
    # Calculating COV
    mutate(COV = mean / SD)

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1205

Using your data df you can use the dplyr function ends_with() to split the dataset into two, convert to long and bind again:


df <-
    A.sd=c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1),
    B.sd=c(2.1, 5.2, 5.1),
    C.sd=c(1.3, 0.7, 4.5)

sds <- select(df, ends_with(".sd")) %>%
  gather() %>%
  rename(sd = value) %>%

means <- select(df, -ends_with(".sd")) %>%
  gather() %>%
  rename(mean = value)

df_n <- bind_cols(means, sds)

df_n <- mutate(df_n, cv = sd/mean)

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 16121

Here's an alternative tidyverse version:

df <- 
    A.sd=c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1),
    B.sd=c(2.1, 5.2, 5.1),
    C.sd=c(1.3, 0.7, 4.5)


{df %>% select(matches("sd")) / df %>% select(-matches("sd"))} %>%
  setNames(gsub("sd", "cv", names(.))) %>%
  bind_cols(df, .)

#   A A.sd  B B.sd  C C.sd       A.cv  B.cv       C.cv
# 1 1  0.3 20  2.1 14  1.3 0.30000000 0.105 0.09285714
# 2 2  0.2  2  5.2 26  0.7 0.10000000 2.600 0.02692308
# 3 3  0.1 34  5.1 13  4.5 0.03333333 0.150 0.34615385

Note that you have to make sure your columns are in the right order in your original dataset.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 429

If you turn it into a long DF Something like this is relatively easy:


df <- data.frame(
groups = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 3),
means = c(1, 2, 3, 20, 2, 34, 14, 26, 13),
sd = c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 2.1, 5.2, 5.1, 1.3, 0.7, 4.5)

df <- df %>% mutate(
       cv = (sd / means)

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