Reputation: 47
I have this CSV file that I kind of do a lot to. My most recent task is to add a summary sheet.
With that said I have a CSV file I pull from a website and send through lot of checks. Code Below:
$Dups = import-csv 'C:\Working\cylrpt.csv' | Group-Object -Property 'Device Name'| Where-Object {$_.count -ge 2} | ForEach-Object {$_.Group} | Select @{Name="Device Name"; Expression={$_."Device Name"}},@{Name="MAC"; Expression={$_."Mac Addresses"}},Zones,@{Name="Agent"; Expression={$_."Agent Version"}},@{Name="Status"; Expression={$_."Is online"}}
$Dups | Export-CSV $working\temp\01-Duplicates.csv -NoTypeInformation
$csvtmp = Import-CSV $working\cylrpt.csv | Select @{N='Device';E={$_."Device Name"}},@{N='OS';E={$_."OS Version"}},Zones,@{N='Agent';E={$_."Agent Version"}},@{N='Active';E={$_."Is Online"}},@{N='Checkin';E={[DateTime]$_."Online Date"}},@{N='Checked';E={[DateTime]$_."Offline Date"}},Policy
$csvtmp | %{
if ($_.Zones -eq ""){$_.Zones = "Unzoned"}
$csvtmp | Export-Csv $working\cy.csv -NoTypeInformation
import-csv $working\cy.csv | Select Device,policy,OS,Zones,Agent,Active,Checkin,Checked | % {
$_ | Export-CSV -path $working\temp\$($_.Zones).csv -notypeinformation -Append
So this is my base. I need to add another CSV file for a Summary of the Zone information. The Zones are in the format of XXX-WS or XXX-SRV, where XXX can be between 3 and 17 letters.
I would like the Summary sheet to look like this
ABC ###
DEF ###
My thoughts are to either do the count from the original CSV file or to count the number of lines in each CSV file and subtract 1, for the header row.
Now the Zones are dynamic so I can't just say I want ZONE XYZ, because that zone may not exist.
So what I need is to be able to either count the like zone type in the original file and either output that to an array or file, that would be my preferred method to give the number of items with the same zone name. I just don't know how to write it to look for and count matching variables. Here is the code I'm trying to use to get the count:
import-csv C:\Working\cylrpt.csv | Group-Object -Property 'Zones'| ForEach-Object {$_.Group} | Select @{N='Device';E={$_."Device Name"}},Zones | % {
$Znum = ($_.Zones).Count
If ($Znum -eq $null) {
$Znum = 1
} else {
$Count = ($_.Zones),$Znum | Out-file C:\Working\Temp\test2.csv -Append
Here is the full code minus the report key:
$cylURL = ""
$working = "C:\Working"
Remove-item -literalpath "\\?\C:\Working\Cylance Report.xlsx"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $cylURL -outfile $working\cylrpt.csv
$Dups = import-csv 'C:\Working\cylrpt.csv' | Group-Object -Property 'Device Name'| Where-Object {$_.count -ge 2} | ForEach-Object {$_.Group} | Select @{Name="Device Name"; Expression={$_."Device Name"}},@{Name="MAC"; Expression={$_."Mac Addresses"}},Zones,@{Name="Agent"; Expression={$_."Agent Version"}},@{Name="Status"; Expression={$_."Is online"}}
$Dups | Export-CSV $working\temp\01-Duplicates.csv -NoTypeInformation
$csvtmp = Import-CSV $working\cylrpt.csv | Select @{N='Device';E={$_."Device Name"}},@{N='OS';E={$_."OS Version"}},Zones,@{N='Agent';E={$_."Agent Version"}},@{N='Active';E={$_."Is Online"}},@{N='Checkin';E={[DateTime]$_."Online Date"}},@{N='Checked';E={[DateTime]$_."Offline Date"}},Policy
$csvtmp | %{
if ($_.Zones -eq ""){$_.Zones = "Unzoned"}
$csvtmp | Export-Csv $working\cy.csv -NoTypeInformation
import-csv $working\cy.csv | Select Device,policy,OS,Zones,Agent,Active,Checkin,Checked | % {
$_ | Export-CSV -path $working\temp\$($_.Zones).csv -notypeinformation -Append
cd $working\temp;
Rename-Item "Unzoned.csv" -NewName "02-Unzoned.csv"
Rename-Item "Systems-Removal.csv" -NewName "03-Systems-Removal.csv"
$CSVFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $working\temp -filter *.csv
$Excel = "$working\Cylance Report.xlsx"
$Num = $CSVFiles.Count
Write-Host "Found the following Files: ($Num)"
ForEach ($csv in $CSVFiles) {
Write-host "Merging $CSVFiles.Name"
$EXc1 = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Exc1.SheetsInNewWorkBook = $CSVFiles.Count
$XLS = $EXc1.Workbooks.Add()
$Sht = 1
ForEach ($csv in $CSVFiles) {
$Row = 1
$Column = 1
$WorkSHT = $XLS.WorkSheets.Item($Sht)
$WorkSHT.Name = $csv.Name -Replace ".csv",""
$File = (Get-Content $csv)
ForEach ($line in $File) {
$LineContents = $line -split ',(?!\s*\w+")'
ForEach ($Cell in $LineContents) {
$WorkSHT.Cells.Item($Row,$Column) = $Cell -Replace '"',''
$Column = 1
$Output = $Excel
Remove-Item *.csv
cd ..\
Upvotes: 0
Views: 674
Reputation: 47
Found the solution
$Zcount = import-csv C:\Working\cylrpt.csv | where Zones -ne "$null" | select @{N='Device';E={$_."Device Name"}},Zones | group Zones | Select Name,Count
$Zcount | Export-Csv -path C:\Working\Temp\01-Summary.csv -NoTypeInformation
Upvotes: 1