Reputation: 387
I'm working on a project to calculate player game times. My problem is that I want to calculate the "TimeOnIce" of the "Player" when their "Start" and "Stop" fit into those of the "Play".
I hope I've been clear enough
Data <- data.table(Name = c("Play", "Play", "Play", "Play", "Player", "Player", "Player"), Start = c("00:15:01", "00:15:56", "00:16:29", "00:22:18", "00:14:58", "00:18:04", "00:20:38"), Stop = c("00:15:24", "00:16:04", "00:21:50", "00:23:33", "00:16:25", "00:19:13", "00:21:22"), TimeOnIce = " ")
What i expect :
PLAY 00:15:01 00:15:24
PLAY 00:15:56 00:16:04
PLAY 00:16:29 00:21:50
PLAY 00:22:18 00:23:33
PLAYER 00:14:58 00:16:25 00:00:31
PLAYER 00:18:04 00:19:13 00:01:09
PLAYER 00:20:38 00:21:22 00:01:16
Image Representation to better understand Thanks
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Views: 57
Reputation: 27732
library( data.table )
library( dplyr ) # <---- for using dplyr::if_else, which leaves POSIXct intact (base::ifelse does not!)
sample data
Data <- data.table(Name = c("Play", "Play", "Play", "Play", "Player", "Player", "Player"),
Start = as.POSIXct( c("00:15:01", "00:15:56", "00:16:29", "00:22:18", "00:14:58", "00:18:04", "00:20:38"), format = "%H:%M:%S"),
Stop = as.POSIXct( c("00:15:24", "00:16:04", "00:21:50", "00:23:33", "00:16:25", "00:19:13", "00:21:22"), format = "%H:%M:%S"))
#create a data.table with play periods
dt_play <- Data[ Name == "Play", ]
#key it
setkey( dt_play, Start, Stop )
#create a data.frame with player times
dt_players <- Data[ !Name == "Play", ]
#overlap join, then het the revelant periods playd, and sum per player
result <- foverlaps( dt_players, dt_play, type = "any")
#set time from and to, based on the relevant start- end of periods
result[, `:=`(from = if_else( i.Start < Start, Start, i.Start),
to = if_else( i.Stop > Stop, Stop, i.Stop) )][]
result[, TimeOnIce := as.numeric( to - from )]
#summarise per player
result[, list(TimeOnIce = sum(to - from)), by = i.Name]
# i.Name TimeOnIce
# 1: Player 144 secs
#or get the results per played interval
result[, list(TimeOnIce = sum(TimeOnIce)), by = list(i.Name, i.Start, i.Stop)]
# i.Name i.Start i.Stop TimeOnIce
# 1: Player 2018-10-11 00:14:58 2018-10-11 00:16:25 31
# 2: Player 2018-10-11 00:18:04 2018-10-11 00:19:13 69
# 3: Player 2018-10-11 00:20:38 2018-10-11 00:21:22 44
Upvotes: 1