Reputation: 47310
It's obviously not something to advise in an ideal workflow but sometimes it can be useful.
Can it be done easily ?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 406
Reputation: 47310
I made the following functions, it will put a temp file in your home folder and delete it when it's fetched by default :
shoot <- function(..., list = character(), rm = FALSE){
path <- file.path(path.expand("~"),"temp_object.RData")
save(..., list = list, file = path)
if(rm) rm(list = c(list,as.character(substitute(alist(...))[-1])),
envir = parent.frame())
loot <- function(rm = TRUE){
path <- file.path(path.expand("~"),"temp_object.RData")
load(path,envir = parent.frame())
if(rm) file.remove(path)
} else {
stop("nothing to loot!")
test <- "abcd"
loot() # in practice from another session
# [1] "abcd"
Useful in my case if one RStudio session has a bug and I can't plot, so I can send it to another.
With a simple change in the default path can be used in a network to easily pass data between colleagues for example.
Thanks to @MrFlick for suggestions
Upvotes: 6