Reputation: 5784
I want to optimize the operation of a CHP plant over a requested power profile. Therefore I define a power profile, which should be followed by the CHP plant as much as possible. Multiple bounds and constraints must be applied to represent the realistic operation of a CHP plant. This for example includes that the CHP can bei either on or off and while on, its power modulation can only be set to a specific percentage range.
Here is a minimum working example with short explanations:
import scipy.optimize as opt
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(200) # dummy x vector
poly_profile = np.array( # 7th degree polynome fit of profile
[-2.14104340e-11, 1.85108903e-08, -6.66697810e-06, 1.29239710e-03,
-1.45110876e-01, 9.40324129e+00, -3.24548750e+02, 4.60006330e+03])
poly_fun = np.poly1d(poly_profile) # make poly fun
profile = poly_fun(x[65:196])
x0 = np.zeros_like(profile) # all zeros as starting values
def optifun(x, profile): # define minimization fun
return - np.sum(profile * x)
bnds_hi = opt.Bounds(0.3, 1) # upper bounds
bnds_lo = opt.Bounds(0, 0) # lower bounds
res = opt.minimize(
optifun, x0, args=(profile), bounds=bnds_hi,
constraints={'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x*40) - 2000},
So these are the bounds I want to use:
(x == 0) or (0.3 <= x <= 1)
, for any value in the array x
and <= 1
. But I can either specify the lower bounds OR the upper bounds. Only specifying the upper bounds makes it impossible to "switch the CHP off", while setting the lower bounds to
bnds_lo = opt.Bounds(0, 1)
bounds=[bnds_lo, bnds_hi]
?And the constraints I want to use:
np.sum(x*40) - 450
Limit the number of starts of the CHP plant. As an example let's assume
bnds_lo = opt.Bounds(0, 1) # lower bounds
res = opt.minimize(
optifun, x0, args=(profile), bounds=bnds_lo,
constraints={'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x*40) - 1000},
This leads to 3 periods of CHP plant operation. Is there any way to limit this? I was thinking about adding a specific constraints function which counts the positive diffs after a leading 0, but I was not able to make anything like this work (for example since most x
are not exactly 0, since bounds are set to (0, 1)
. But other issues may also be the reason)...
x != 0
. I thought about trying something similar as in my last point (limiting the number of starts), but was also not able to work out something useful. This is by far the least important problem.To solve these issues I also tried using
and NonlinearConstraings
But method='trust-constr'
requires a jac (as far as I read on github this seems to be a bug) and thus I wasn't able to make it work.
Is there any way I can make this work? Especially specifying multiple bounds is important.
Thanks in advance!
Sincerely, Scotty
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5656
Reputation: 21957
profile * x0
in your code gives
"ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (131,) (200,)".
Just guessing, is x_t
a product onoff_t * xon_t
with onoff_t
= 0 or 1
and 0.3 <= xon_t <= 1
at each t
in 0 .. T
I.e. for T = 5
there are 2^5 possible onoff
sequences, 00000 00001 00010 .. 11111 ?
If so, maximizng sum 0:T w_t * onoff_t * xon_t
with a fixed weight function w_t
is trivial:
where w_t <= 0
: onoff_t = 0
, off
where w_t > 0
: onoff_t = 1
, on, and xon_t = 1
, max.
So that can't be your question -- please clarify.
If onoff_t
is further constrained to switch only twice, 0... 1... 0...,
then the number of possible sequences is small enough to just try them all,
along the lines:
def pulse_generator( T=200, minwidth=5 ):
""" -> arrays of T floats, 0... 1... 0... """
for t0 in xrange( 1, T ):
for t1 in xrange( t0 + minwidth, T ):
pulse = np.zeros( T )
pulse[t0:t1] = 1
yield pulse
for pulse in pulse_generator( T ):
print "pulse:", pulse
optimize myfunction( pulse * xon ), 0.3 <= xon <= 1
Switching 4 times, 0... 1... 0... 1... 0..., is similar.
(How many such pulses are there for a given T
See wikipedia Stars and bars --
See also: google "discrete optimization" multigrid ... and Grid search.
Upvotes: 3