
Reputation: 5784

scipy.optimize with multiple bounds, constraints and continuous fields

I want to optimize the operation of a CHP plant over a requested power profile. Therefore I define a power profile, which should be followed by the CHP plant as much as possible. Multiple bounds and constraints must be applied to represent the realistic operation of a CHP plant. This for example includes that the CHP can bei either on or off and while on, its power modulation can only be set to a specific percentage range.

Here is a minimum working example with short explanations:

import scipy.optimize as opt
import numpy as np

x = np.arange(200)  # dummy x vector
poly_profile = np.array(  # 7th degree polynome fit of profile
    [-2.14104340e-11,  1.85108903e-08, -6.66697810e-06,  1.29239710e-03,
     -1.45110876e-01,  9.40324129e+00, -3.24548750e+02,  4.60006330e+03])
poly_fun = np.poly1d(poly_profile)  # make poly fun
profile = poly_fun(x[65:196])
x0 = np.zeros_like(profile)  # all zeros as starting values

def optifun(x, profile):  # define minimization fun
    return - np.sum(profile * x)

bnds_hi = opt.Bounds(0.3, 1)  # upper bounds
bnds_lo = opt.Bounds(0, 0)  # lower bounds

res = opt.minimize(
    optifun, x0, args=(profile), bounds=bnds_hi,
    constraints={'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x:  np.sum(x*40) - 2000},

So these are the bounds I want to use:

And the constraints I want to use:

To solve these issues I also tried using scipy.optimize.LinearConstraings and NonlinearConstraings But method='trust-constr' requires a jac (as far as I read on github this seems to be a bug) and thus I wasn't able to make it work.

Is there any way I can make this work? Especially specifying multiple bounds is important.

Thanks in advance!

Sincerely, Scotty

Upvotes: 1

Views: 5656

Answers (1)


Reputation: 21957

profile * x0 in your code gives
"ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (131,) (200,)".

Just guessing, is x_t a product onoff_t * xon_t
with onoff_t = 0 or 1
and 0.3 <= xon_t <= 1 at each t in 0 .. T ?
I.e. for T = 5 there are 2^5 possible onoff sequences, 00000 00001 00010 .. 11111 ?

If so, maximizng sum 0:T w_t * onoff_t * xon_t with a fixed weight function w_t is trivial:
where w_t <= 0: onoff_t = 0, off
where w_t > 0: onoff_t = 1, on, and xon_t = 1, max.
So that can't be your question -- please clarify.

If onoff_t is further constrained to switch only twice, 0... 1... 0..., then the number of possible sequences is small enough to just try them all, along the lines:

def pulse_generator( T=200, minwidth=5 ):
    """ -> arrays of T floats, 0... 1... 0... """
    for t0 in xrange( 1, T ):
        for t1 in xrange( t0 + minwidth, T ):
            pulse = np.zeros( T )
            pulse[t0:t1] = 1
            yield pulse

for pulse in pulse_generator( T ):
    print "pulse:", pulse
    optimize myfunction( pulse * xon ), 0.3 <= xon <= 1

Switching 4 times, 0... 1... 0... 1... 0..., is similar. (How many such pulses are there for a given T ? See wikipedia Stars and bars -- amazing.)

Added: I'm no expert, but isn't on-off aka bang-bang control very sensitive to tiny changes, a bit earlier or later ? A program(mer) can spend a lot of time dithering, down in the noise. How about 2 phases, coarse-grid then fine-grid --

  1. split the time 0:T into say 10 pieces, run all 2^10 = 1024 on-off sequences
    1a. look at the best ones closely -- any pattern ?
  2. move their edges by half steps, T / 20.

See also: google "discrete optimization" multigrid ... and Grid search.

Upvotes: 3

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