
Reputation: 1160

d3 - label placement for a nested pie chart

I'd like to place labels similar to what the image below illustrates. This might be a 2 questions in 1 sort of thing, sorry for that.

enter image description here

Tried 2 different approaches.

An inappropriate one, starting from a circle, draw each segment independently and rely on the way data's sorted and a property labelled parent to identify a segment within a chunk (main/bigger segment). This way, I can't easily place labels according to the main segment's place in the circle and it does not feel natural datawise.


A more appropriate one, have chunks (main segments) and inner chunks as children, this way, I can use centroid and place labels accordingly. Moreover, things seem natural, but I can't figure out how to draw multiple inner segments within the main segment so it looks like the chart in my previous attempt.


Data is mocked at the beginning of each script, console.log(data) before the colors array to see the exact structure of the data that I want to illustrate.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1589

Answers (2)

i alarmed alien
i alarmed alien

Reputation: 9520

The layout that you have already is dependent on your data being uniform, which doesn't happen in the real world, so I found a data set and used it to create a pie chart that doesn't require perfect data.

It's a mix of the first and second charts. I have added copious comments to the code so please look through and check that you understand what is happening. I've put a demo at https://bl.ocks.org/ialarmedalien/1e453ed9b148be442f50e06ad7eb3759, so you can see the data input there.

function chart(id) {
  // this reads in the CSV file
  d3.csv('morley3.csv').then( data => {

    // this massages the data I'm using into a more suitable form for your chart
    // we have 12 runs with 6 experiments in each.
    // each datum is of the form 
    // { Run: <number>, Expt: <number>, Speed: <number> }
    const filteredData = data
        .filter( d => d.Run < 13 )
        .map( d => { return { Run: +d.Run, Expt: +d.Expt, Speed: +d.Speed } } )

    // set up the chart
    const width = 800,
    height = 800,
    radius = Math.min(height, width) * 0.5 - 100,
    // how far away from the chart the labels should be
    labelOffset = 10,

    svg = d3.select(id).append("svg")
        .attr("width", width)
        .attr("height", height),

    g = svg.append("g")
        .attr("transform", `translate(${width/2}, ${height/2})`),

    // this will be used to generate the pie segments
    arc = d3.arc()

    // group the data by the run number
    // this results in 12 groups of six experiments
    // the nested data has the form
    // [ { key: <run #>, values: [{ Run: 1, Expt: 1, Speed: 958 }, { Run: 1, Expt: 2, Speed: 869 } ... ],
    //   { key: 2, values: [{ Run: 2, Expt: 1, Speed: 987 },{ Run: 2, Expt: 2, Speed: 809 } ... ],
    // etc.
    nested = d3.nest()
      .key( d => +d.Run )

    chunkSize = nested[0].values.length,

    // d3.pie() is the pie chart generator
    pie = d3.pie()
      // the size of each slice will be the sum of all the Speed values for each run
      .value( d => d3.sum( d.values, function (e) { return e.Speed } ) )
      // sort by run #
      .sort( (a,b) => a.key - b.key )

    // bind the data to the DOM. Add a `g` for each run
    const runs = g.selectAll(".run")
      .data(pie, d => d.key )
      .classed('run', true)
      .each( d => {
        // run the pie generator on the children
        // d.data.values is all the experiments in the run, or in pie terms,
        // all the experiments in this piece of the pie. We're going to use 
        // `startAngle` and `endAngle` to specify that we're only generating
        // part of the pie. The values for `startAngle` and `endAngle` come
        // from using the pie chart generator on the run data.

        d.children = d3.pie()
        .value( e => e.Speed )
        .sort( (a,b) => a.Expt - b.Expt )
        .startAngle( d.startAngle )
        .endAngle( d.endAngle )
        ( d.data.values )

    // we want to label each run (rather than every single segment), so
    // the labels get added next.
      .classed('label', true)
      // if the midpoint of the segment is on the right of the pie, set the
      // text anchor to be at the start. If it is on the left, set the text anchor
      // to the end.
      .attr('text-anchor', d => {
        d.midPt = (0.5 * (d.startAngle + d.endAngle))
        return d.midPt < Math.PI ? 'start' : 'end'
      } )
      // to calculate the position of the label, I've taken the mid point of the
      // start and end angles for the segment. I've then used d3.pointRadial to
      // convert the angle (in radians) and the distance from the centre of 
      // the circle/pie (pie radius + labelOffset) into cartesian coordinates.
      // d3.pointRadial returns [x, y] coordinates
      .attr('x', d => d3.pointRadial( d.midPt, radius + labelOffset )[0] )
      .attr('y', d => d3.pointRadial( d.midPt, radius + labelOffset )[1] )
      // If the segment is in the upper half of the pie, move the text up a bit
      // so that the label doesn't encroach on the pie itself
      .attr('dy', d => {
        let dy = 0.35;
        if ( d.midPt < 0.5 * Math.PI || d.midPt > 1.5 * Math.PI ) {
          dy -= 3.0;
        return dy + 'em'
      .text( d => {
        return 'Run ' + d.data.key + ', experiments 1 - 6'
      .call(wrap, 50)

    // now we can get on to generating the sub segments within each main segment.
    // add another g for each experiment     
    const expts = runs.selectAll('.expt')
      // we already have the data bound to the DOM, but we want the d.children,
      // which has the layout information from the pie chart generator
      .data( d => d.children )
      .classed('expt', true)

    // add the paths for each sub-segment
      .classed('speed-segment', true)
      .attr('d', arc)
    // I simplified this slightly to use one of the built-in d3 colour schemes
    // my data was already numeric so it was easy to use the run # as the colour
      .attr('fill', (d,i) => {
        const c = i / chunkSize,
        color = d3.rgb( d3.schemeSet3[ d.data.Run - 1 ] );

        return c < 1 ? color.brighter(c*0.5) : color;
      // add a title element that appears when mousing over the segment
      .text(d => 'Run ' + d.data.Run + ', experiment ' + d.data.Expt + ', speed: ' + d.data.Speed )

    // add the lines
      .attr('y2', radius)
      // assign a class to each line so we can control the stroke, etc., using css
      .attr('class', d => {
        return 'run-' + d.data.Run + ' expt-' + d.data.Expt
      // convert the angle from radians to degrees
      .attr("transform", d => {
        return "rotate(" + (180 + d.endAngle * 180 / Math.PI) + ")";

    function wrap(text, width) {
        text.each(function () {
            let text = d3.select(this),
                words = text.text().split(/\s+/).reverse(),
                line = [],
                lineNumber = 0,
                lineHeight = 1.2, // ems
                tfrm = text.attr('transform')
                y = text.attr("y"),
                x = text.attr("x"),
                dy = parseFloat(text.attr("dy")),
                tspan = text.text(null).append("tspan")
                .attr("x", x)
                .attr("y", y)
                .attr("dy", dy + "em");

            while (word = words.pop()) {
                tspan.text(line.join(" "));
                if (tspan.node().getComputedTextLength() > width) {
                    tspan.text(line.join(" "));
                    line = [word];
                    tspan = text.append("tspan")
                    .attr("x", x)
                    .attr("y", y)
                    .attr("dy", ++lineNumber * lineHeight + dy + "em")

    return svg;


Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 3519

I am not sure If I understand the question properly. But this is too long to be crammed into a comment so I wrote an answer, maybe it solves the problem.

The stated problem for the first method is:

This way, I can't easily place labels according to the main segment's place in the circle

The label placement code is:

        .style("text-anchor", "middle")
        .style("font-weight", "bold")
            .attr("x", (d, i) => {
                return barScale(config.max * 1.2) * Math.cos(segmentSlice * i - Math.PI / 2);
            .attr("y", (d, i) => {
                return barScale(config.max * 1.2) * Math.sin(segmentSlice * i - Math.PI / 2);

This places the lables along big segment dividing lines. We have a total of 12 segments each spanning 30 degrees. Each large segment has 6 sub-segments each one spanning 5 degrees. So it seems you only need to rotate your labels 15 degrees (3 sub-segment span) to place them like the picture in the question.

First convert 15 degrees to radians:

15 * PI / 180 = 0.261799

Then add the above value to the label placement code:

.attr("x", (d, i) => {
    return barScale(config.max * 1.2) * 
        Math.cos(segmentSlice * i - Math.PI / 2 + 0.261799); //HERE
    }).attr("y", (d, i) => {
        return barScale(config.max * 1.2) * 
           Math.sin(segmentSlice * i - Math.PI / 2 + 0.261799); //AND HERE

Here is the updated fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/fha19jtm/

And all the labels are placed like the given picture. The data property can also be used to change the rotation angle based on the combination of large/small segments. This way, the placement of each label can be fine-tuend to the desired amount.

Upvotes: 1

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