Reputation: 741
I am working with a time-series which is not stock market data. I would like to use highcharter in R to make interactive visualization. I made a chart like this for the time being:.
data(economics_long, package = "ggplot2")
economics_long2 <- filter(economics_long,
variable %in% c("pop", "uempmed", "unemploy"))
hchart(economics_long2, "line", hcaes(x = "date", y = "value01", group = "variable"))
I am wondering, is there any way to add a date filter at the top of this chart like the date filter in type = 'stock' chart in highcharter. Something similar to this picture:
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Views: 875
Reputation: 339
I think in basic solution you can create own widget / gadget. That is kind of start for it - fully functional - you can style it better for your purpose.
hightchart_filter <- function(data) {
ui <- miniPage(
# Dates ####
dateInput("date_start", "start_date", value = "1900-01-01", width = "25%"),
dateInput("date_end", "end_date", value = "2100-01-01", width = "25%"),
# Highchart ####
highchartOutput("high_plot", height = "500px")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# update for data boxes
updateDateInput(session, "date_start", value = data$date %>% min())
updateDateInput(session, "date_end", value = data$date %>% max())
# filter data
data_filtered <- reactive({
data %>% filter(between(date, input$date_start, input$date_end))
# Highchart ####
output$high_plot <- renderHighchart({
hchart(data_filtered(), "line", hcaes(x = "date", y = "value01", group = "variable"))
runGadget(ui, server)
and run it :
Upvotes: 2