Reputation: 1
@CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/resources/features/xxxxxx/xxxxx.feature", tags = "@tag1", glue = { "com.xxxx.sfdc.opportunities.stepdefinitions" }, format = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber-reports/cucumber-pretty", "json:target/cucumber-reports/CucumberTestReport.json" })
The above is my cucumber options which is using testng as runner by extending AbstractTestNGCucumberTests. I am calling this feature file via testng xml which runs the same feature file for 4 different users.
So the cucumber report json file is overridden for every run. How can I avoid this and get the report for every run (for every single user)
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Views: 737
Reputation: 5908
I would suggest to use test-ng extension qaf which provides gherkin client for gherkin users. In addition it also has it's own bdd implementation with additional features.
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