Reputation: 11
The code below is meant to simply add rows of information from an Excel sheet to a table in SQL Server. It is tediously written where it goes row by row and cell by cell. It runs with no error pop-ups, but when I check the table for my data, there is nothing there.
I have been querying in SQL to check by using a WHERE
clause and the 'Analyst' field should match my name. Nothing pops up.
Why is my data not showing up in the table? AND I am open to hear anyone's suggestions on better ways to do this. Thanks!
Public Sub ConnectToDB()
Dim DBCONT As Object
Dim strConn As String
Dim Server_Name As String
Dim Database_Name As String
Dim Table_Name As String
Dim User_ID As String
Dim Password As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rs As Object
Dim Fields As String
Dim LastRowAudit As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim sAuditType, sClaimeReceivedDate, sDateAssigned, sDateCompleted, sAnalyst, sCustomer, sID, sAffiliate, sFacility, sDEA, sAcctNumber, sWholesaler, sVendor, sProduct, sNDC, sRef, sClaimedContract, sClaimedContractCost, sContractPriceStartDate, sContractPriceEndDate, sCatalogNumber, sInvoiceNumber, sInvoiceDate, sChargebackID, sContractIndicator, sUnitCost, sWAC, sPotentialCreditDue, sQTY, sSpend, sIpDshIndicator, sDSHorHRSANumber, sUniqueGPOCode, sComment, sResCode, sCorrectCost, sCRRBCM, sCRRBRebill, sCRRBDate As String
Server_Name = "I have this in my actual code" ' Enter your server name here
Database_Name = "I have this in my actual code" ' Enter your database name here
Table_Name = "I have this in my actual code"
User_ID = "I have this in my actual code" ' enter your user ID here
Password = "I have this in my actual code" ' Enter your password here
WkbName = ThisWorkbook.Name
SheetName = "Audit Data" ' WHERE RS IS
strSQL = "INSERT INTO " & Database_Name & ".[dbo]." & Table_Name & _
" ([Audit],[Audit Type],[Claim Received Date],[Date Assigned],[Date Completed]," & _
" [Analyst],[Customer],[ID],[Affiliate],[Facility],[DEA],[Acct Number],[Wholesaler],[Vendor],[Product],[NDC],[Ref],[Claimed Contract]," & _
" [Claimed Contract Cost],[Contract Price Start Date],[Contract Price End Date],[Catalog Number],[Invoice Number],[Invoice Date]," & _
" [Chargeback ID],[Contract Indicator],[Unit Cost],[WAC],[Potential Credit Due],[Qty],[Spend],[IP-DSH indicator Y/N]," & _
" [DSH and/or HRSA Number],[Unique GPO Code],[Comment],[ResCode],[Correct Cost],[CRRB CM],[CRRB Rebill],[CRRB Date])" & _
" VALUES ('" & sAudit & "', '" & sAuditType & "', '" & sClaimeReceivedDate & "', '" & sDateAssigned & "', '" & sDateCompleted & "', '" & sAnalyst & "', '" & sCustomer & "', '" & sID & "', '" & sAffiliate & "', '" & sFacility & "', '" & sDEA & "', '" & sAcctNumber & "', '" & sWholesaler & "', '" & sVendor & "', '" & sProduct & "', '" & sNDC & "', '" & sRef & "', '" & sClaimedContract & "', '" & sClaimedContractCost & "', '" & sContractPriceStartDate & "', '" & sContractPriceEndDate & "', '" & sCatalogNumber & "', '" & sInvoiceNumber & "', '" & sInvoiceDate & "', '" & sChargebackID & "', '" & sContractIndicator & "', '" & sUnitCost & "', '" & sWAC & "', '" & sPotentialCreditDue & "', '" & sQTY & "', '" & sSpend & "', '" & sIpDshIndicator & "', '" & sDSHorHRSANumber & "', '" & sUniqueGPOCode & "', '" & sComment & "', '" & sResCode & "', '" & sCorrectCost & "', '" & sCRRBCM & "', '" & sCRRBRebill & "', '" & sCRRBDate & "')"
Debug.Print strSQL
Set DBCONT = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Audit Data").Select
LastRowAudit = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
With ActiveSheet
DBCONT.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & Server_Name & ";Database=" & Database_Name & _
";Uid=" & User_ID & ";Pwd=" & Password & ";"
For i = 2 To LastRowAudit
sAudit = Cells(i, 1)
sAuditType = Cells(i, 2)
sClaimeReceivedDate = Cells(i, 3)
sDateAssigned = Cells(i, 4)
sDateCompleted = Cells(i, 5)
sAnalyst = Cells(i, 6)
sCustomer = Cells(i, 7)
sID = Cells(i, 8)
sAffiliate = Cells(i, 9)
sFacility = Cells(i, 10)
sDEA = Cells(i, 11)
sAcctNumber = Cells(i, 12)
sWholesaler = Cells(i, 13)
sVendor = Cells(i, 14)
sProduct = Cells(i, 15)
sNDC = Cells(i, 16)
sRef = Cells(i, 17)
sClaimedContract = Cells(i, 18)
sClaimedContractCost = Cells(i, 19)
sContractPriceStartDate = Cells(i, 20)
sContractPriceEndDate = Cells(i, 21)
sCatalogNumber = Cells(i, 22)
sInvoiceNumber = Cells(i, 23)
sInvoiceDate = Cells(i, 24)
sChargebackID = Cells(i, 25)
sContractIndicator = Cells(i, 26)
sUnitCost = Cells(i, 27)
sWAC = Cells(i, 28)
sPotentialCreditDue = Cells(i, 29)
sQTY = Cells(i, 30)
sSpend = Cells(i, 31)
sIpDshIndicator = Cells(i, 32)
sDSHorHRSANumber = Cells(i, 33)
sUniqueGPOCode = Cells(i, 34)
sComment = Cells(i, 35)
sResCode = Cells(i, 36)
sCorrectCost = Cells(i, 37)
sCRRBCM = Cells(i, 38)
sCRRBRebill = Cells(i, 39)
sCRRBDate = Cells(i, 40)
DBCONT.Execute strSQL
Next i
End With
Call CloseDB
MsgBox i & " Lines Imported."
End Sub
Sub CloseDB()
On Error Resume Next
Set rs = Nothing
Set DBCONT = Nothing
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Views: 7936
Reputation: 107747
Reconsider your heavy Excel migration to SQL Server for several solutions:
SQL Server: Save Excel data into text format (.txt, .tab, .csv) and use any number of SQL Server's bulk handling operations: bcp utility, OPENROWSET, OPENDATASOURCE, import wizard, and BULK INSERT. Place this process in a stored procedure to be run inside database.
Below are two equivalent OPENROWSET
examples on Excel workbooks where no individual values are handled but whole table operations:
INSERT INTO mySQLServerTable (Col1, Col2, Col3, ...)
SELECT COl1, Col2, Col3, ...
'Excel 12.0; Database=C:\Path\To\Excel\Workbook.xlsx; HDR=YES; IMEX=1', [Sheet$]);
INSERT INTO mySQLServerTable (Col1, Col2, Col3, ...)
SELECT COl1, Col2, Col3, ...
'Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};
DBQ=C:\Path\To\Excel\Workbook.xlsx', 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet$]');
MS Access: Use Excel's database sibling, Access, as medium between the source and destination sources. Specifically, have Excel sheet and SQL Server table as linked tables where you can run a simple append query:
INSERT mySQLServerTable (Col1, Col2, Col3, ...)
SELECT Col1, COl2, Col3 ...
FROM myExcelTable
MS Excel: If you have to run in Excel, use parameterization with ADO Command object and avoid the need to concatenate VBA values to SQL code with numerous quote enclosures.
... same as above...
strSQL = "INSERT INTO " & Database_Name & ".[dbo]." & Table_Name & _
" ([Audit], [Audit Type], [Claim Received Date], [Date Assigned], [Date Completed]," & _
" [Analyst], [Customer], [ID], [Affiliate], [Facility], [DEA], [Acct Number], [Wholesaler]," & _
" [Vendor], [Product], [NDC], [Ref], [Claimed Contract], [Claimed Contract Cost]," & _
" [Contract Price Start Date], [Contract Price End Date], [Catalog Number], [Invoice Number], [Invoice Date]," & _
" [Chargeback ID], [Contract Indicator], [Unit Cost],[WAC], [Potential Credit Due]," & _
" [Qty], [Spend],[IP-DSH indicator Y/N], [DSH and/or HRSA Number], [Unique GPO Code]," & _
" [Comment],[ResCode],[Correct Cost],[CRRB CM],[CRRB Rebill],[CRRB Date])" & _
" VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?," _
" ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
DBCONT.Open ...
Set sh = ActiveSheet
For i = 2 To LastRowAudit
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
With cmd
.CommandText = strSQL ' SQL STRING
.CommandType = adCmdText
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("sAuditParam", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, sh.Cells(i, 1))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("sAuditTypeParam", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, sh.Cells(i, 2))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("sClaimeReceivedDateParam", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, sh.Cells(i, 3))
'... rest of parameters
.Execute ' RUN ACTION
End With
Set cmd = Nothing
Next i
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 166790
You already built strSQL
using empty variables, and you never update it after that, so it remains that way.
You need to insert the field values each time through the loop.
Move this:
strSQL = "INSERT INTO " & Database_Name & ".[dbo]." & Table_Name & _
'etc etc
to just before
DBCONT.Execute strSQL
Upvotes: 1