Reputation: 336
I have been searching this question to write in an existing excel sheet starting from specific row and column however methods like dataframe_to_rows is not writing from a specific position in a cell. I am now using a custom loop to write this however was wondering if there is a better approach. The loops works like this
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(20, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))
file = "C:\\somepath\\some_existing_file.xlsx"
wb = load_workbook(filename=file, read_only=False)
ws = wb['some_existing_sheet']
##Fill up the row and column needed
stcol = 5
strow = 5
## Writing the column header
for c in range(0,len(df.columns)):
ws[get_column_letter(c+stcol)+str(strow)].value = df.columns[c]
## Writing the data
for r in range(0,len(df)):
for c in range(0,len(df.columns)):
ws[get_column_letter(c+stcol)+str(strow+r+1)].value = df.iloc[r][c]
Please let me know if there is a better way to write to specefic position in a cell. By any chance if this turns out to be duplicate question, happy to merge in the original thread. I do have another approach however with xlsx writer but this removes all other data from existing sheet
import win32com.client as win32
excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application') # opens Excel
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(file', engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='abc', startrow=5, startcol=5,index=False)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2447
Reputation: 25197
Instead of
you can use
ws.cell(column=c+stcol, row=strow)
Upvotes: 2