Reputation: 26262
I created an Inline Table-Valued Functions (ITVF) in SQL Server that returns a table of values (query simplified for discussion purposes):
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.VehicleRepairStatus()
SELECT VehicleID, CurrentStatus
FROM VehicleRepairHistory
Which I can reference in a query:
v.ID, v.Name,
Vehicle v
dbo.VehicleRepairStatus() r on v.ID = r.VehicleID
I'd like to be able to use it in Linq query:
var vehicles = await _databaseContext.Vehicles
.Join() // join ITVF here?
.Where(v => v.Type == 'Bus' )
.OrderBy(v => v.Name)
At some point, I may change the ITVF to include a parameter:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.VehicleRepairStatus(@id AS INT)
SELECT VehicleID, CurrentStatus
FROM VehicleRepairHistory
WHERE VehicleID = @id
And call like a scalar:
SELECT v.ID, v.Name
,(SELECT val FROM dbo.VehicleRepairStatus(v.ID)) AS CurrentStatus
FROM Vehicle v
Linq query:
var vehicles = await _databaseContext.Vehicles
.Select( ) // call ITVF here?
.Where(v => v.Type == 'Bus' )
.OrderBy(v => v.Name)
Is either approach possible?
Upvotes: 15
Views: 13794
Reputation: 205749
Yes, it's possible by utilizing the EF Core 2.1 introduced query types (starting from EF Core 3.0, consolidated with entity types and now called keyless entity types). Following are the required steps:
First, create a class to hold the TVF record (update it with the correct data types):
public class VehicleRepairStatus
public int VehicleID { get; set; }
public int CurrentStatus { get; set; }
Then register it in your OnModelCreating
EF Core 2.x:
EF Core 3.x:
Then expose it from your db context using a combination of Query
and FromSql
methods (EF Core 2.x):
public IQueryable<VehicleRepairStatus> VehicleRepairStatus(int id) =>
Query<VehicleRepairStatus>().FromSql($"select * from VehicleRepairStatus({id})");
or Set
and FromSqlInterpolated
(EF Core 3.x):
public IQueryable<VehicleRepairStatus> VehicleRepairStatus(int id) =>
Set<VehicleRepairStatus>().FromSqlInterpolated($"select * from VehicleRepairStatus({id})");
And that's all.
Now you can use it inside your LINQ queries like any other IQueryable<T>
returning method, for instance:
from v in db.Vehicles
from r in db.VehicleRepairStatus(v.ID)
select new { v.ID, v.Name, r.CurrentStatus }
The "select" inside FromSql
method makes it composable, so the whole query is translated to SQL and executed server side.
Update: Actually this doesn't work when used as correlated subquery like the above example (see Reference to an ITVF raises a "second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed" exception). It could be used only if passing constant/variable parameters like
from r in db.VehicleRepairStatus(123)
See the answer to the follow up post from the link for correct implementation for correlated query scenarios.
Upvotes: 28