Reputation: 165
I'm trying to create this tool that will, by looking through a list of expenses, be able to calculate the amount owed to each employee. So from our account software I can export an excel document with 2 columns. The first column have the amount and the second will have the following strings:
"Lunch, outlay Tanne"
"Train ticket, outlay Anne"
"Lunch, outlay Dennis"
"Lunch, outlay Anne"
The excel document will then look through all the expenses and calculate the total amount owed to each person. So far I've used the following code to calculate the total amounts (some of the variables are calculated earlier, this is just the part calculating the total amount):
'Calcualte total amount
For i = 1 To NamesTotal
TotalAmount = 0
NameString = UCase(Cells(i + 1, 7))
For j = 1 To EntriesTotal
CellText = UCase(Cells(j + 2, 3))
If InStr(1, CellText, NameString) Then
Amount = Cells(j + 2, 4)
TotalAmount = TotalAmount + Amount
End If
End If
Cells(TableStart + i, 3) = Cells(i + 1, 7)
Cells(TableStart + i, 4) = TotalAmount
Cells(TableStart + i, 4).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
The list of names is listed in column 7, the strings in column 3 and amount in column 4. The list works fine (I have a little more code) but the problem lies with names very similar to each other
If InStr(1, CellText, NameString) Then
In my example above the name "Anne" is part of the name "Tanne" so the list for Tanne will include the expenses for Anne as well. So how do I change the code so that it will find the exact match?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3786
Reputation: 5782
one of the possible solutions (the way to achieve required result):
Function getval(searchStr As String, rng As Range) As String
Dim dic As Object: Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim cl As Range, wrd
For Each cl In rng
For Each wrd In Split(Replace(cl.Value2, ",", ""))
If LCase(wrd) = LCase(searchStr) Then dic.Add cl.Value2, ""
Next wrd, cl
getval = Join(dic.keys, vbNewLine)
End Function
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 84465
You could write a regex function that looks for the name as a word using word boundary syntax i.e. \bName\b
In my example the arguments to the function equate to CellText, NameString
Try it here.
Option Explicit
Public Sub TEST()
Dim rng As Range
For Each rng In [A1:A4]
If IsNamePresent(rng.Value, "Anne") Then
'do something
End If
End Sub
Public Function IsNamePresent(ByVal inputString As String, testName As String)
IsNamePresent = False
With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False '<== You may want to change this
.Pattern = "\b" & testName & "\b"
If .TEST(inputString) Then IsNamePresent = True
End With
End Function
Test values:
\bAnne\b / gm
assert position at a word boundary (^\w|\w$|\W\w|\w\W)
matches the characters Anne
literally (case sensitive)
assert position at a word boundary (^\w|\w$|\W\w|\w\W)
So, must be Anne
as a word and not Anne
as part of a longer string.
Upvotes: 1