Reputation: 307
I have the following model:
mod <- glm(data=data, events ~ treatment * size, family = quasipoisson)
With the following output:
glm(formula = events ~ treatment * size,
family = quasipoisson, data = data)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.4842 -1.4939 -0.4199 0.5921 4.0068
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.070077 0.202376 0.346 0.7299
treatmenttreatment -0.042710 0.315499 -0.135 0.8926
size 0.009464 0.002061 4.591 1.36e-05 ***
treatmenttreatment:size 0.010270 0.005145 1.996 0.0488 *
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
(Dispersion parameter for quasipoisson family taken to be 2.039369)
Null deviance: 252.78 on 97 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 191.43 on 94 degrees of freedom
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
I would like to plot the data, using R base plot, with separately colored dots for each group (treatment and control), and separately colored lines fit to each group. Something like the plot on page 20 here would be ideal, but I don't know how to translate what was done in that example (which uses a Poisson model) to what I have here (a quasi-Poisson model).
A reproducible example is included below.
individual treatment size events
1 control 10.97 0
2 treatment 0 0
3 control 10.31 1
4 treatment 17.77 1
5 control 11.37 0
6 control 3.857 1
7 treatment 3.8 0
8 treatment 2.029 0
9 treatment 0.8571 0
10 control 0 0
11 control 0 0
12 control 7.943 0
13 control 0 0
14 treatment 8.514 0
15 control 0 0
16 treatment 28.69 1
17 treatment 39.03 4
18 treatment 33.49 0
19 control 2.514 0
20 control 2.771 1
21 treatment 3.257 0
22 control 24.6 1
23 control 1.714 1
24 treatment 9.343 1
25 treatment 10.86 2
26 treatment 28.77 3
27 control 89.97 6
28 control 17.17 0
29 control 4.057 0
30 control 20.4 2
31 treatment 28.49 3
32 treatment 28.66 1
33 treatment 30.66 1
34 control 8.114 0
35 treatment 29.03 2
36 treatment 0 0
37 control 6.543 0
38 treatment 18.86 1
39 control 42.37 3
40 treatment 9.257 3
41 treatment 29 3
42 control 13.46 0
43 control 8.143 0
44 control 0.08571 0
45 treatment 5.2 0
46 control 17.23 0
47 control 17.23 0
48 control 18.97 0
49 treatment 18.4 6
50 treatment 104.6 3
51 control 23.29 3
52 control 3.486 3
53 control 28.2 2
54 control 23 0
55 treatment 37.4 2
56 treatment 16.2 0
57 control 16.03 3
58 treatment 0 0
59 treatment 57.8 6
60 treatment 68.37 5
61 control 4.229 0
62 treatment 45.14 9
63 treatment 33.54 1
64 treatment 55.71 0
65 treatment 12.86 1
66 control 2.429 0
67 treatment 0 0
68 treatment 23.31 4
69 treatment 6.229 2
70 control 21.57 3
71 control 46.11 3
72 treatment 60.29 3
73 control 42.63 2
74 control 61.37 2
75 control 26.8 0
76 treatment 37.57 3
77 treatment 57.83 9
78 control 2.229 0
79 treatment 18.14 1
80 control 19.89 0
81 treatment 35.74 2
82 control 243.6 6
83 control 8.314 0
84 treatment 31.97 1
85 control 84.2 5
86 control 15.91 4
87 treatment 94.66 4
88 treatment 6.429 0
89 treatment 36.2 3
90 control 32.23 6
91 treatment 36.09 3
92 control 43.94 9
93 control 20.86 1
94 control 59.86 4
95 control 7.086 2
96 treatment 3.257 1
97 treatment 18.85 0
98 treatment 25.43 2
Upvotes: 3
Views: 999
Reputation: 468
I'm going to post a possible solution using base R graphics without much explaining. The core idea is to use predict
to generate the predicted values on the response (original) scale and then plotting them. Everything else is basically cosmetics. Personally, I'd use the excellent visreg
package that generates these kinds of graphics with ease. The corresponding code using visreg is posted at the bottom of this answer.
mod <- glm(data=dat, events ~ treatment * size, family = quasipoisson)
, xlim = range(dat$size)
, ylim = range(dat$events)
, pch = 1
, col = "#008FD0"
, las = 1
, data = subset(dat, treatment %in% "control")
, pch = 1
, col = "#F07E00"
, data = subset(dat, treatment %in% "treatment")
, legend = c("treatment", "control")
, pch = c(1, 1)
, lwd = c(2, 2)
, col = c("#F07E00", "#008FD0")
, bty = "n"
xx <- seq(min(dat$size), max(dat$size), length.out = 1000)
pred_frame <- expand.grid(
size = xx
, treatment = c("control", "treatment")
pred_frame$preds <- predict(mod, newdata = pred_frame, type = "response")
, col = "#F07E00"
, lwd = 2
, data = subset(pred_frame, treatment %in% "treatment")
, col = "#008FD0"
, lwd = 2
, data = subset(pred_frame, treatment %in% "control")
Using visreg
, "size"
, by = "treatment"
, overlay = TRUE
, scale = "response"
, band = FALSE
, ylim = range(dat$events)
Upvotes: 2