Reputation: 73
I am trying to use an H2O library in both Python and R to produce a GLM without an intercept included. Unfortunately, it does not appear to be working. The results are completely off, the intercept coefficient is non-zero (only standardized coefficient for intercept is zero), however, this does not give me a correct prediction.
With intercept excluded from the model, I expect the prediction for a case when all other inputs equal to 0, to be 0 as well. This is not the case. The coefficient is offsetting the prediction quite significantly and actually, if I set intercept=True with simulated data that I know should have no intercept, my intercept coefficient is much closer to 0 than when I run the same data with intercept=False.
The same occurs in both R and Python, and I am unsure if I am doing something incorrectly in setting up the model.
The example of the code I have written just to test the problem in R:
x1 = runif(500)
x2 = runif(500)
x3 = runif(500)
y = 2.67*x1 + 1.23*x2 -7.2*x3
h2odata <- as.h2o(h2odata)
predictors <- c('x1','x2','x3')
response <- 'y'
h2o.splits = h2o.splitFrame(data=h2odata,ratios=.8)
train <- h2o.splits[[1]]
valid <- h2o.splits[[2]]
glm <- h2o.glm(x=predictors,y=response,family='gaussian',link='identity',
intercept = FALSE,training_frame = train,
validation_frame = valid)
newdata = data.frame(x1,x2,x3)
Am I missing something obvious here?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 328
Reputation: 370
Seeing the way you generate the data, you should use standardize = F in the h2o.glm to avoid your problem.
It's a issue with the coefff and the standarized coeffs. Note that the best results you should have with intercept = T and standardize = T.
You should avoid intercept when you must predict a 0 values and only in a few more cases.
Upvotes: 3