Reputation: 201
I am trying to create a web radio server to stream 3 sources at once. I am using python to create a source client for icecast2 using the python-shout library. I am not too familiar with the language (python). however, i got a sample program which does what i need to and more and i have tweaked it for my need. However, I can only create two streams, and after that, i get the error message shown below. I don't know what i'm doing wrong so i hope you guys can help me figure that out.
hostname ="localhost"
port= 8000
password = "password"
import shout
import sys
import threading
from glob import glob
from random import shuffle,choice
class RunStream (threading.Thread):
def __init__ (self, channel_mount, music_directory, station_url, genre,name, description, bitrate="128", samplerate="44100", channels="5",music_format="mp3", ogv=0):
#connection to icecast
global hostname,port,password
self.song_conter= 0
self.s = shout.Shout()
self.s.audio_info = {shout.SHOUT_AI_BITRATE:bitrate, shout.SHOUT_AI_SAMPLERATE:samplerate, shout.SHOUT_AI_CHANNELS:channels} = name
self.s.url = station_url
self.s.mount = channel_mount
self.s.port = port
self.ogv = ogv
self.s.password = password
self.s.genre = genre
self.music_directory = music_directory
self.s.description = description = hostname
self.s.format = music_format #using mp3 but it can also be ogg vorbis
threading.Thread.__init__ (self)
#checking directories for files to stream
def scan_directories(self):
self.files_array = glob(self.music_directory+"/*.[mM][Pp]3") + glob(self.music_directory+"/*/*.[mM][Pp]3") + glob(self.music_directory+"/*/*/*.[mM][Pp]3") #checks the specified directory down to the third depth
print str(len(self.files_array))+" files" #display number of matching files found
shuffle(self.files_array) # randomize playlist
def run (self):
while 1: #infinity
self.scan_directories() # rescan dir, maybe in time you add some new songs
self.song_counter = 0
for e in self.files_array:
self.song_counter = self.song_counter + 1
def format_songname(self,song): # format song name - on filename (strip "mp3", change _ to " ". Formatting name of song for writing into a text file
result = song.split("/")[-1].split(".")
result = ".".join(result[:len(result)-1]).replace("_"," ").replace("-"," - ")
return result
def write_future(self): #write playlist
filename = self.s.mount.replace("/","")+"-current.txt"
fa = open(filename,"w")
aid = self.song_counter
pos = 7 # CHANGE if you want more songs in future playlist
for s in self.files_array[aid:]:
pos = pos - 1
if (pos==0):
if (pos>0):
for s in self.files_array[:pos+1]:
def sendfile(self,fa):
print "opening file %s" % fa
f = open(fa)
self.s.set_metadata({'song': self.format_songname(fa)})
nbuf =
while 1:
buf = nbuf
nbuf =
if len(buf) == 0:
#running the first stream
RunStream(channel_mount = "/stream", music_directory = "/home/CUWebRadio1/music_one", station_url = "", genre = "new",name = "Web Radio Channel2", description = "bla bla bla").start()
#running the second stream
RunStream(channel_mount = "/stream_2", music_directory = "/home/CUWebRadio1/music_twos", station_url = "", genre = "music",name = "Web Radio Music", description = "bla bla bla").start()
#running the Third Stream
RunStream(channel_mount = "/stream_3", music_directory = "/home/CUWebRadio1/music_three", station_url = "", genre = "Music",name = "CU Web Radio Music3", description = "bla bla bla").start()
the Error message i get
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 96, in <module>
RunStream(channel_mount = "/stream_3", music_directory = "/home/CUWebRadio1/music_three", station_url = "", genre = Music",name = "CU Web Radio Music3", description = "bla bla bla").start()
File "", line 37, in __init__
shout.ShoutException: Login failed
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 4712
Reputation: 201
So, it turns out that my code is correct. The problem was in the configuration for Icecast. By default, only two streams can be created. after editing that in the icecast config file, It all worked perfectly. Thanks.
Upvotes: 4