
Reputation: 19

Why can't I get this blank space on my webpage to go away?

I'm a total amateur, and am learning HTML on my own, for work. I can make simple adjustments and such, but I recently added a customized paypal button for an upcoming charity event. I previously had a picture where the button is supposed to go. I replaced the picture with the button and everything got pushed down to the bottom of the page. I have a hunch that the links above the picture may be taking up the space between, but I am not able to see where the empty space is coming from. Here is a link to the page

here is a snippet of the code in the area where the form (button) meets the links box. I apologize for my wording here, like I said I'm relatively new to all of this.


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Upvotes: 1

Views: 66

Answers (4)

Ans Bilal
Ans Bilal

Reputation: 1067

The simple trick is add 'height' attribute to '#whicker_park'

#whicker_park {
    position: relative;
    left: 116px;
    top: -125px;
    width: 178px;
    height: 0px;

Upvotes: 0

Andrew Samuelson
Andrew Samuelson

Reputation: 83

1.) You probably don't want to display an image if it's just a white box, as have before your #whicker_park div. If you remove this and instead change your middle div to:

#middle_nav_bar {
min-height: 134px;
height: 176px;
width: 976px;
background-color: white;

you'll get the same effect but it won't rely on an image, which is going to take up space on your site and potentially affect other elements.

2.) To get your icons back in to place, simply change

#whicker_park {
top: -125px;


#whicker_park {
top: 20%;

3.) Take the form for your paypal button and move it outside of your #wrapper div. After these changes, the site looks how you want it.

The final product.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1248

The spacing is caused by setting the top & left styles of each of those links to an exact position on the page. It would be more appropriate to give them a css class and style them with an inline display like this:

Edit: and close the whicker_park div correctly as the other answer points out.

.sitelink {
  display: inline-block;
  /* these are just to give the divs some visual content to demo here */
  background-color: blue;
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  margin: 10px;
<div class="sitelink" id="whicker_park"></div>
<div class="sitelink" id="our_story"></div>
<div class="sitelink"></div>
<div class="sitelink"></div>
<div class="sitelink"></div>
<div class="sitelink"></div>

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 793

You never close your whicker_park div (or close it in the wrong place) so the elements below like our_story, follow_us are actually INSIDE the whicker_park ID rather than siblings.

Try closing that div like you do the rest, you also didnt close your "footer" div....

Upvotes: 2

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